Do you observe this "joy" when you see Witnesses going from house to house, in the Kingdom Halls, out working, or during Theocratic wholesome recreational activities?
The Fake "Joy" Of Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
I almost never see them. I've seen them once since last November, two of them, and they looked rather neutral, not joyful or sad.
They are robots.
No joy at all. They just follow their leader: WT/GB/FDS.
St George of England
The JW's in my KH are the most miserable bunch of moaners you can imagine.
Their health, or lack of it, is the only topic of conversation they seem to enjoy. Of course it's all Satan's fault, he brings these problems to test JW's.
If they are not having joy in doing the organization's will, it is obviously THEIR fault. They aren't praying enough, or aren't studying enough, aren't associating enough or going in "the ministry" enough. And that's the truth (TM). I know. I used to give a public talk called "Serve Jehovah With A Joyful Heart". [cringe]
LOL, oh sure they have a lot of things in their life to be
joyous about. Paranoid, anxiety, no retirement benefits (we
thought paradise would be here),minimum wages, new light each
year, no idea what's the latest teaching and those mental diseased
people, whoever they are.
I think most JW's when they get up each morning paint a smile on
their faces in order to face the world. All fake.
I don't recall there being any real joy in the JW religion. They talk a whole lot about it but it technically existed in print only and not in evidence in real life.
The only "happy" people I ever saw were in extended families, planning their next get-together. Other than that, the only smiles (fake) that I saw were when there was a visiting speaker or CO. It is a fear-based religion, so how can real joy be present?
The closest JWs ever come to being joyful is when they are gossiping.
St. George.....No exaggeration there! That was one of the things I can now look back on and see! Everyone comparing ailments, everyone complaining about their latest diagnosis. One sister I remember had 6 children and every one of them had strange and bizarre symptoms or illnesses. She missed lots of meetings due to the different illnesses of her children, but when she did make it to one, she talked constantly about which child had the latest or worst symptoms and what new doctors they'd seen recently and what new prescriptions they were using. I remember noticing the happy look on her face as she would describe the latest health woes of herself or her family and realizing she seemed to get some kind of thrill, maybe it was just attention, or something out of it. She definitely seemed to thrive on it. It's so sad because, she must have needed attention and this was definitely one way of getting it
It's true: there's a lot of sick JWs.