Prime said:
If someone is suicidal or commits suicide, it's not because of expulsion from a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. There are persons I know/knew that were disfellowshipped and quite frankly, they really didn't care. Those that did care were often reinstated.
Bud, you're arguing against your own organization's beliefs: did you NOT listen to the public talk, or read the WT magazine on shunning?
The WTBTS has admitted shunning HAS to be uncomfortable for the shunned IN ORDER FOR IT TO WORK.
Prime said:
If it is a family member that chooses not to associate with you and you believe they're wrong because of their decision, there's nothing to feel bad about. If the family member believes they're not in the wrong, they also have a support group. Namely, anyone that isn't a JW. If a person believes they are in the wrong, they can be reinstated. Anyway you look at it, there's an open door.
Personal rejection is a fact of life in modern society. A fact most people experience early on. Some people are rejected at birth. If someone lives at home, they won't be rejected because they're disfellowshipped. Not because of any official tenet or protocol employed by Jehovah's Witnesses anyway. People don't commit suicide because of rejection in itself. Nobody has to take the blame for such a thing.
You're simply trying to allay a guilty conscience, trying to avoid bearing any and all personal responsibility for being a cog in an unthinking machine and merely following orders, denying the obvious: shunning is a form of social ostracism, an attempt to control others for WHATEVER reason. Since JWs cannot use reason, they simply IGNORE, DENY someone's existence.
Sometimes such attempts to control WILL result in suicide, esp in those who are most unable to withstand societal rejection, namely those who've been psychologically 'knee-capped' after having been raised in a manner that places utmost importance on being a member of a blessed group, places blind obedience to authority above individuality and making personal choices: these WILL absolutely retard the development of a healthy ego (since parents who don't possess such thinking cannot possibly encourage it in their children). A typical JW family is thus a breeding ground designed to produce more followers, more publishers.
Are you really just not able to see that, or acting as if you're morally-blind?
For the sake of your children and YOURSELF, take the blinders off, guy. You're completely arguing against common sense here, and now taking a position that's ever MORE outlandish than claiming that JWs engage in "extreme shunning" (which I agree is hypobolic).
If you haven't read my blog article on shunning, then there's no time like the present for YOUR sake.
See, if you're correct that shunning is NOT harmful, then that's very GOOD NEWS, INDEED! Notify the Society and tell them there's no need to deliver future talks at DC designed to alleviate such guilt, since no one has to take responsibility for ANY harm they cause!
That includes past participants who now are willing to publicly admit they felt guilty WHILE doing it, but did it anyway. They are now off the hook!