Anyone threaten a lawsuit against elder committee that DF you.

by jam 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    If you threaten the commmitee with a lawsuit, each of you

    will hear from my lawyer if you DF me today. I will go after

    all you have, every penny. If people start threaten elders

    with lawsuits, the GB will drop them like hot potatos.

    Most elders do not have the funds even if they win in a

    lawsuit case.

    I would think you have a good chance to win (you wouldn't

    receive anything from the poor elders), with all the

    hate from the WT.

    So you are not going after the WT but each elder in the congrega-

    tion. Who have the final say on a DF case these days?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    What the heck is happening today? Threaten and you may end up being sued and losing every asset you have. There is no cause of action against religions for a religious doctrine. Never was. Never will.

    I could fill entire libraries discussing why. Take my word for it or consult any-and I mean any-lawyer. Indeed, ask a high school student. No, ask an elementary school student.

    When you threaten to sue without discussing it in detail with a lawyer before you make the announcement, all your threat does is make you look like the biggest fool in the world. If you threatened me, I would reply, "This is X-1736 Federation Planet" and laugh so hard.

    People here spend too much time watching awful TV shows. This is not how real life works. People with extraordinarly bright, talented lawyers go away ruined in real life. All the threat does is signal how powerless you are and more abuse happens.

    The only legal show I ever watched that resembles real life is Law and Order. Perry Mason is a joke. LA Law is a joke. Visit a local courthouse. They are open to the public. If you want to see the area's best lawyers look for ACLU cases. The merits of the cause are a different manner. The United States of America has super duper lawyers for certain things. Visit your local federal courthouse. Ask the security person wihch cases are interesting. I was able to see Frank Sinatra testify because I asked. People told me to ask or I would have not asked. The lawyer representing the United States of America will likely be a great lawyer. No guarantee, but likely.

  • ldrnomo

    Woa BOTR...calm down. Three times for emphasis?

  • slimboyfat

    It may not have a legal basis... but that doesn't necessarily mean it won't work.

  • jam

    WOW Band, I was thinking about an idle threat.

    So I gather not a good idea. LOL

    We must remember most elders are not extraordinarily bright.

    You may get a few to crap in their underwear, just the thought

    of a lawsuit.

  • GLTirebiter

    When threatened with legal action, the elders are to contact the branch office immediately. The organization has a legal department with considerable expertise and experience. Do not under-estimate them!

  • jam

    There must be some way ones can leave the borg with

    some dignity. We have so many here trying to figure a way out.

    Most here was born in, where is the freedom of religion for them.

    They had no choice in the matter. They were raised in a cult and

    that's the bottom line.

    There must be a way to walk away from that cult and not loose

    your family.

  • karter

    Just get the 1st ammendment done away with and your on your way.


  • joe134cd

    You wouldn't have a leg to stand on. The society knows this that's why they carry on uninhibited. I have never heard of anyone who has successfully sued and won over this issue, and that is not for people trying. Good luck.

  • BroMac

    I think the OP means not to sue the WT Society but the individual men, personally. There is an example where someone did this and was left alone, I think I read it on here?

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