What the heck is happening today? Threaten and you may end up being sued and losing every asset you have. There is no cause of action against religions for a religious doctrine. Never was. Never will.
I could fill entire libraries discussing why. Take my word for it or consult any-and I mean any-lawyer. Indeed, ask a high school student. No, ask an elementary school student.
When you threaten to sue without discussing it in detail with a lawyer before you make the announcement, all your threat does is make you look like the biggest fool in the world. If you threatened me, I would reply, "This is X-1736 Federation Planet" and laugh so hard.
People here spend too much time watching awful TV shows. This is not how real life works. People with extraordinarly bright, talented lawyers go away ruined in real life. All the threat does is signal how powerless you are and more abuse happens.
The only legal show I ever watched that resembles real life is Law and Order. Perry Mason is a joke. LA Law is a joke. Visit a local courthouse. They are open to the public. If you want to see the area's best lawyers look for ACLU cases. The merits of the cause are a different manner. The United States of America has super duper lawyers for certain things. Visit your local federal courthouse. Ask the security person wihch cases are interesting. I was able to see Frank Sinatra testify because I asked. People told me to ask or I would have not asked. The lawyer representing the United States of America will likely be a great lawyer. No guarantee, but likely.