Please post your comments on this YouTube video... it's from the 2002 WT video "Respect Jehovah's Authority" but it was uploaded recently... Also see this thread...
Samuel Herd introduces "Authority" video in 2002...
by Calebs Airplane 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
(1) rather lavish backdrop
(2) rather cultish message
(3) rather forced gestures
Truth seeker 674
Calebs airplane thanks for posting this thing. Ive been out since 85 . Its just too much drivel for me today. I'll watch it later.
Calebs Airplane
Incredible how the Governing Body compares themselves to Moses, thereby demanding loyalty.
This video brings back a lot of bad memories. I composed the majority of the music score for this video. It was always a challenge attempting to enhance the emotional values of the Society's videos with music because they were so lacking in emotional richness or subtlety. I had a knot in my stomach throughout the process of working on this because I was sensing the naked manipulation in this video. In retrospect it was therapeutic for me to write down the following:
The Premise
Moses = Watchtower Leadership
Korah, Dathan & Abiram = modern-day apostates
The Reality
In the Bible, Moses had a record of miracles to support God’s appointment of him. The Watchtower leadership has a record of failed prophecy, vacillating interpretations of the Scriptures and erroneous interpretations that have destroyed families or caused many unnecessary deaths.
Korah, Dathan and Abiram were trying to replace Moses and take over the leadership of Israel. By in large, modern-day apostates simply want to exit the Watchtower organization without incident. Some of them, like me, hope to see the Watchtower organization reap what it has sown within our lifetime.
DNCall that is quite interesting. I'm sorry if I missed your introduction, but you where at Bethel? I am a former Bethelite too. Worked at many branches (they kept shuffling me around, because of my job there).
Let it be realized that the WTS. and its leaders are there to cultivate its own power, control and money.
Its full of corruption, hypocrisy, deceit, coercion, manipulation and exploitation like many of the other religions around,
albeit more stringently cultish.
Calebs Airplane
thanks for sharing that...
it's fascinating that even JWs who have written music scores for the Society have turned apostate...
(1) rather lavish backdrop
(2) rather cultish message
(3) rather forced gestures
hahhahhahahhaah what a dope!