Let me invent a human standing before god at Armageddon, the leader of an african rebel group, lets say hes bad... lets say he has participated in genocide, infanticide, murder, killed people and animals for blood sacrifice, initiated and promoted slavery, promoted and lived by strict rules of racism and sexism, lets say he is homophobic and that he impregnated women without their consent, lets say that on several occasions he order his army to cut open the belly of pregnant women to watch the foetus fall out and die just because they didnt join his force, despite being in the wrong tribe and therefor never ever being allowed to join his force.... Lastly the worst of his atrocities ...... Lets say his children, like him, were a little unruly and selfish, a little naughty at times and that in a fit of rage, he told them he regretted having them and drowned them all, babies too...... Of course I'm describing the judge himself, the god of the bible! Who is that deity to stand judge over humans? Had he been a human his actions would see HIM die st armageddon! He would be infamous, known as the worst human to ever walk the earth, far worse than hitler or other evil people thst religious people turn to as excuses for the invention of hell or armageddon. The irony of such a ghastly figure standing judge over children in Africa, nuns in Irish monasatraies, aborigines in Australia, soldiers in Russia, doctors in America.... Daring to judge when he has been sooooooo evil..... He is an immoral beastly god! Its a farce! I can't believe decent people believe this and defend it! snare x