Jehovah's Witnesses actions and behaviours

by jw04 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • jw04

    I was reading one of the magazines about 2 years ago, about what to know about social networking sites, the warnings and cautiousness. I am not so sure if they don't like the internet, these days almost everyone uses internet. I know many have accounts online. But what questions me is why in their teachings they dis-encourage all to avoid using those sites, yet, can see themselves using it, that's totally wrong, teaching others things you shouldn't do yet they themselves who teach, do it. Plus how some act,(who say be no part of this world) aren't much different that world, like they are worldly, swearing, drinking, partying, not being much of a help at all for the weak, sick ones. (Teaching to help others who need it, and help one another) Having their own groups, choose who to hang out with, that's very disrespectful, and not Christian like. They go and learn and teach others and complain about how others behave, yet they don't see themselves, they think that if they are strong spiritually, that they don't need any up-building on the way they act and behave. I am not saying this about everyone, but most are like that just from observing and experience. Any other opinion on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
    I would like an opinion on this matter.
    Thank you.

  • Mum

    The primary requirement of being a Jehovah's Witness is mental illness. Children reared as JW's are brought up to be mentally ill. Self-delusion is their survival mechanism.

  • stillin

    Our COBOE (then PO) once told me that elders don't get counseled by the r&f (not those words) but by .o's, DO', etc

  • whathappened

    Mum said,"self delusion is their survival mechanism.". That is exactly the phrase I have been searching for! Well said!

  • scotoma

    I know this is a crank on JW site but lets be honest. Everyone is deluded and it's adaptation for survival.

    Some JW's do very well with their particular delusions.

    We don't like to be called "Mentally Diseased" so let's not accuse others of the same.

    Hypocrisy is the purpose of the human animal's large brain. We don't have large brains to understand the universe.

    Our large brain is to keep track of our lies, other people's lies and whose lies we have to pretend to believe and which people believe our lies. For an extended family of about 100- 200 people that is a formidable task. And we don't use just 10% of our brains to do that. We use all of our brains for that.

    It's mental illness (unsanity not insanity) to think any of us have it together.

  • blondie

    But elders can be counseled by the other elders in their congregation.

  • fulltimestudent

    All religions delude people - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, hinduism, as well as the fringe ratbags.

    But it has to be said, that some people may not be able to survive life, without the delusion that Allah, Yahweh, Jesus, Buddha etc, is looking after them and actively interfering in and manipulating their life so as to overcome their problems and crises.

    Our particular problem was escaping the clutches of the Yahweh mob. But I've hung around Mormon sites and Pentie sites, and the wannabee escapees from those religions have much the same problems and experiences that we have had.

    Everyone heard's Karl Marx's expression, loosely translated as ... "Religion is the opium of the people." But the context is much more enlightening than that idea alone. And, of course more pertinent to his times than ours, but still pertinent to the individual trapped in his/hers religious delusions.

    The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man - state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d'honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.

    Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.It is the opium of the people.

    The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.

  • stillin

    Blondie: but elders can be counseled by other elders in their own cong.

    i realize that's true, and in an ideal world an elder should be able to benefit from correct words no matter what the source. But those were his words, counsel for elders comes from higher up the corporate ladder, not from, say, God's Holy Word or good solid thinking.


  • fulltimestudent

    and not long after Marx wrote those words (as above), Charles Kingsley, (the English novelist and a Anglican clergyman) wrote:

    We have used the Bible as if it were a mere special constable's hand book, an opium dose for keeping beasts of burden patient while they were being overloaded, a mere book to keep the poor in order.

    But the victims of the delusions, continue to believe, rejecting rationality by claiming faith

  • vikesgirl101

    Jw04; I've been bothered by the mixed signals on internet use myself. My last assembly was over five years ago, and there was a strict part about social networking. It was even said that no true Christian should have a social networking page. I noticed how that there is a "like" page for the theocratic ministry school on Facebook. Wouldn't that suggest that JWs have a Facebook account? Regardless, I've seen hundreds of dubs that have accounts.I think the problem has become too big for them to handle. If you can't beat em,join em...

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