Has anyone had a CO over for dinner during their visit on any of the nights from Tuesday thru Friday? That seems hard to do because those nights usually have meetings. If you did do it, how long were they able to stay after finishing eating?
CO over for dinner Tuesday thru Friday
by A question 10 Replies latest jw friends
I've never heard that they were available at those times because of meetings, elders meetings on friday night, sheparding calls on Wednesday, Saturday afternoon or night he has to write his report about the congregation.
I've seen them on Saturday nights and Sunday nights at homes or gatherings over the years. When we had the CO's stay with us in our house they would generally have diner with us, it was nice conversation but after family diner they either went to their room or sometimes he just watched TV with us, well we let him have the remote. LOL
I have a question for "A question" : Why this obsession with C.O's and their eating habits ? you have started numerous threads on this arcane subject, why ?
Slidin Fast
They normally eat with their hosts in the evenings.
We had a district overseer stay with us (many years ago) for a "host week", prior to a circuit assembly, so he was there Tuesday thru Friday.
Typically he & his wife ate dinner with us, then he disappeared to his bedroom to do "theocratic work" while the wife stayed around & chatted.
Overall it was OK. They were pretty nice people with the "put on a theocratic show" mode turned off.
We also had the DO stay with us for a week before the assembly. They were very nice and they shared one evening meal with us and went out to other homes for the other nights. The brother settled in my home office during the days while I was at work. On other occasions we had the CO have dinner with us on meeting night which was convenient for him since we lived close to the hall. One thing that bothered me is that most of them have special dietary needs...they can't just eat what everyone else do...I would never dare tell a host what to serve when he invites me!
they used to go to people's houses for supper long ago......i think it got phased out because it was an inconvenience all around. but, who knows. it might vary from area to area - and depending on the co and how friendly he is.
A question
Phizzy and NVR2L8 you have PMs
When they came to my house, they didn't even get to finish their meals before I threw them out. I was in my early teens, and I've never felt so good telling someone, "you and your wife, get the fu%k out of our house!!!!!!"
A question....they left at 6:30 to arrive at the hall 5 mins later for the 7:00 Friday night meeting.