After a period of confusion and fragmentation (the warlord era) San Yat-sen's Republic of China gained control of the south with the Goumindang (KMT) party in control.

As Sun went into decline and died, Chiang Kaishek (Jiang Jieshih in modern Chinese) embarked on the Northern Expedition to re-unite the country, he nearly succeeded only to face the Japanese invasion.
Sun Yatsen wrote the words for the National Anthem of this version of the Republic of China.
In English the words come across as awkward, but likely OK in Chinese.
Three Principles of the People, The fundament of our party. Using this, we establish the Country for the People; Using this, we advance into a state of total peace. Oh, you, warriors, For the people, be the vanguard. Without resting day or night, Follow the Principles. Swear to be diligent; swear to be courageous. Obliged to be trustworthy; obliged to be loyal. With one heart and one virtue, We carry through until the very end. |