And what about joke-hova? Jokehovians? This is what Jehovah actually deserves. And Jehovah's--or jokehovians. The witlesses is obvious, since most of them don't have any wits.
Other terms for Jehovah may include Baghead, Almighty Lowlife Scumbag, and Tyrant. That thing lives up to all of the above.
I also use the terms a$$embly (the dollar signs indicating the real purpose of the event and not to edit out "swearing"). Big boasting sessions refer to the one-day a$$emblies. The great boasting sessions are the 2-day events, and the grand boasting sessions are the ones where everyone is supposed to be traveling out of town, and usually lasts 3 days but used to last as long as 8 days. The supreme boasting session, reject Jesus party, or reject Astaroth party all refer to the memorial. Simple "boasting session" refers to the regular meetings.
Elders--or hounders. I call the ministerial servants "assistant hounders" since they assist the hounders. This is because they are there to hound. Hounder-hounders are those who travel periodically to hound the hounders. The hounder-hounders have their hounders to make sure they are hounding the hounders to hound the flock. And so on, up to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, which is the group that actually makes the rules.