Once a nerd, always a nerd :)

by freeflyingfaerie 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Feelin' pretty groovy that I'm starting my college 'career' or what have you...with a 4.0

    It is great to be back in school...to stimulate my mind in a college setting, get out of my cave for a bit, and maybe even eventually have the accomplishment of a degree.. or two..who knows..

    Less than 10 years ago, this didn't even seem like a real possibility for me...because I didn't imagine it to be

    But, since the good ol' paradise didn't show up...I decided to create my own paradise (quirky and flawed as it may be) ! And this paradise includes educating my self in and out of school, being open to ideas and possibilities, experiencing things for myself, living until I die..

  • Londo111


  • Thoughtless

    I know this feel. Still in, and got my two year degree in one. Now I am going to a four year and try to do the best I can so I can get some security and fade out of the religion.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Getting a University degree from this old system will probably mean that you will not have to scrape by on DSS handouts and subsidised housing and that you will probably have a decent pension in your old age so you (or significant other if appropiate) will not have to clean windows until you are 75.

    The Paradise and Big A are already 100 years late and personally I do not expect them any time soon.

    A great decision, I wish you every success.


  • cantleave

    One of the best decisions you'll ever make.

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Thanks guys!

    This is a rather big deal, as a former JW, as you all know. I remember getting slack for just going to massage school when still in.

    Ironically, you are praised for doing well in school, through high school graduation. It seemed like the culture was to do well through h.s. graduation, then never open a book again if it wasn't published by WT.

    Thoughtless~~ I hope the best for you!



  • snare&racket


    You will love it!

  • freeflyingfaerie

    "I remember getting slack for just going to massage school"~~me

    meant flack, lol!

    wish people would've handed out more slack

  • rmt1

    The TWS was all about keeping you in a conformist and catatonic zombie state of mind, or in an undifferentiated stem-cell state of ceaseless potential, never learning enough about the intrinsic you to know how exactly to spend your precious dollars and minutes, never turning potential into kinetic action, never turning talents into skills, never turning affinities into driving passions.

    I would recommend forcing yourself to go through as many new experiences as the pocketbook allows. The more intense experiences will accelerate you through twists and turns and you'll discover where your cognitive, spiritual, emotional center of mass is. You'll discover what crap you can put up with, what crap you cannot put up with, what goals are essential, who you are as a unique differentiated personality on this planet, and how you can use your unique developed skill sets to make the planet better for the next person.

  • freeflyingfaerie

    s&r~ the nerd in me is doing a happy dance these days

    rmt1~ I like how you put that...speaking of 'intense experiences' (which is so very relative and subjective), ideas have been brewing in my head regarding all kinds of things thta I'm beginning to view differently... my new views since leaving the religion have been leading me astray in a good way.. no regrets, really

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