2 she-bears kill 42 children

by confusedandalone 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Badfish

    It's things like this that make me think surely the bible cannot be an inspired book from a loving god. It's not a case of having a good argument against the bible being true, it's more a case of things like this can't be ignored.

    Exactly. Witnesses say that the reason that eternal torment in Hell is false is because a loving god would not torture people for eternity just because they made a few mistake for their 80 years (plus or minus) on earth. 80 years is nothing compared to eternity. Yet Revelation 20:10 and Luke16:19-31 are in the Bible. But it doesn't doesn't make the Bible untrue.

  • rebel8
    38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ [a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an angry bear. If any bear tears your friend to pieces, stand quietly in line for your turn, and fully cooperate, because that's Jehovah's will.
  • blondie

    (2 Kings 2:24)

    . . .Then two she-bears came out from the woods and went tearing to pieces forty-two children of their number. .

    "forty-two of their number" seems to indicate that there were more than 42 total, 42 of which were killed. So some got away.

    Either way I found this a horrible story as a child and it seemed to me that god validated my father's abuse of me and my siblings. He considered us disrespectful and worthy of severe punishment. I remember sitting in the KH hearing that we should "obey" our abusive father.

    Elisha = God's prophet = WTS/FDS/GB

    Thus the WTS/FDS/GB views its "opposers" as those children worthy of execution. Perhaps they wish they could call out the bears on us.

  • confusedandalone

    THis whole bible things is just a freaking side show...

  • rebel8

    One wonders if an author is going to make up stuff, why the author doesn't bother to make up credible stories.

    Maybe they were actually giant bears, the size of Godzilla, so all they had to do is take one swipe and they got 42 at once.

  • Perversion of a truth
    Perversion of a truth

    If god can use his magical powers to have the bears kill the children, , then whether or not the kids could get away is besides the point... he who can use his magic to make the bears tear 42 innocent children to shreds, he can also use his magic also to make the children not get away... loving god...ROFLOL!

  • Athanasius

    The Watchtower as usual picks a couple of verses from the Tanach and applies it to the JWs. 2 Kings2:23-24 must have been in the Watchtower outline, Separation of Powers, as I recall our CO making the same point, also some 40 years ago.

    But we must remember that the Tanach, or Old Testament, is a Jewish book. The Rabbis study the whole book and don't cherry pick verses out of context like the Watchtower. Moreover, if one reads 2 Kings 2:19-22 it puts the bear incident in a different perspective. Elisha had healed the waters of the town which had an economic effect on youth employment. The Soncino Books Of The Bible, Kings, page 175 says this about the angry youth who mocked Elisha: "They were angry at having lost their means of earning their livelihood, which until now had been to supply the town with sweet drinking water." So Elisha was as popular with these kids as a CEO who closed the local factory, laid off all the employees, and transferred the jobs overseas.

    Unfortunately I don't have it handy right now, but another Jewish commentary said that the Hebrew word translated "little boys" in the NWT can also mean teenagers. So situation was more threatening than dealing with a group of Kindergarten kids as the Watchtower would have us believe. Since there was no unemployment insurance or job training programs back then, one can understand why these young men were angry. How were they going to make their chariot payments without a paying job? Being unemployed wouldn't impress the Israelite girls either.

    But the moral of the story is that should you lose your job, if you don't want to be eaten by bears, don't insult a baldheaded man.

  • prologos

    How many of the brooklyn 8 are balding?

    bear with me.

  • jam

    What happen to turn the other cheek? Or in this case wear a hat.

    Hell if he was bald what's the big deal. My wife tells me

    all the time, get your old bald head out of my face.

    Not one time have I ever thought about makeing her

    a meal for bears. Hell I'm bald, she is not telling a lie just

    a fact.

    Very strange story. LOL

  • mindnumbed

    When it comes to getting the accurate understanding of the Old Testament, I now look to the wisdom of a Jew.


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