Dysfunctional witness families

by concerned2 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    Welcome, thanks for sharing your story. It is plain that behind the facade people on at the Kingdom Hall, there were many families like yours. But there are also many non JW dysfunctional families as well. It's painful to know that your parent doesn't really value you as an individual, but at some point you have to choose to let it go and focus on the good things in your life. Easier said than done I know. I had a discussion with my sister about the fact that our mother always compared me to her and asked why I wasn't popular like she was. A cruel thing to say to a shy, introverted child. It upset my sister terribly, now she thinks I hate our mom. But really, it was long ago, my mother has passed on, it is what it is. I forgave my mother, because I know she did not intend to hurt me, and because it would be pointless to hold on to being hurt, I try to think of the good things she did for me. I hope that you will be able to forgive your mom as well, not because she deserves it, but because you do. It may mean you limit contact (if you don't already), but it is possible to come to a place where you feel peace in your heart, while acknowledging that you were wronged.

    Lisa Rose

  • love2Bworldly

    Concerned2-- so sorry for your situation. I am finding that most families are dysfunctional in one way or another irregardless of the religion.

    The problem with the JWs is that they teach it is better to be around other JWs no matter what, even if they are child molesters/child abusers in any form/gossipers/liars/thiefs etc etc etc., and just plain people that are dysfunctional & don't make good friends or friends who are there for you when you need them through hard times.

    Most of my family are not JWs, only one sister is. But she along with my other siblings, are so mentally ill/negative/back stabbers/liars etc etc, that I don't visit any of them because it is not healthy for me. I choose to be around people who lift my spirits & make me laugh.

  • JakeM2012

    Concerned2, I appreciate your story very much because I have joked for decades said that I had a dysfunctional family, but from your description, you win.

    I wouldn't take too much from your family's actions personally, to the point it disrupts your immediate family's peace or somehow you carry some guilty feelings that you are to blame for their dysfunctionality. The reason for this encouragement is the behavior of my dysfunctional family.

    For example, my family has the judgemental and punishment aspect of Jehovah's Witnesses professionally down pat. They are very good at imitating the hate that Watchtower teaches, they are not only haters of what is bad, but anything inbetween of being an angel, or Jesus Christ himself to somewhere between most human behavior.

    To illustrate, if you had a brain tumor, my family would angrily say, "you don't have a tumor, you have a demon." My extended family is still very active in "the truth" acting like the "example" family in the circuit/district, with one of my brothers as chairman of the RBC, one brother is long-time ex-bethelite, one brother is still in bethel, brothers have talks regularly at the circuit and district conventions. etc.

    However, with all that so called "spiritual" fluff there is absolutely NO LOVE between the families. IMHO, They have all had their souls (hearts) ripped out by the WT organization and been taught by WT to maintain a highly judgemental system within the congregation and family. This system of condemnatory judgement does not produce peace. Although I have not been disfellowshipped or disassociated, (and I do not know that they know of my inactivity), my mother will not talk with me, return calls after leaving messages etc. This has been going on for over seven years, and I've learned not to blame myself for any of the families problems including the "strained relationship" with my mom or siblings.

    The problems that exist in the family were from before I was born or from when I was just a child, and I will not take ownership of the families problems nor blame myself. I haven't led a life of debauchery, I am still married to my wife and have excellent loving and normal children etc. As far as the family fueds, I went out of my way to treat all honorably and not get into their fights or take sides.

    However, After I had experienced the full wrath of my family when my brother launched a full on character assassination I consulted with a family councilor to try to understand what was going on. The professional councilor listened to me for less than 45 minutes when she said, "I don't need anymore information, I know what's going on".

    She indicated that that since I had a great relationship with my father when he died, the other siblings and my mother, (that did not get along with Dad), projected their hatred of the deceased father onto me and my family. It was a simple case of jealousy, like experienced in the bible story of Joseph. The councilor explained to me that since I had a good relationship with my father before he died, (when my brothers and sisters did not), their reasoning was that I "may have had influence with my dad and been his favorite, but they have influence with my mom now, and she is alive, not dead". To set it straight, my father and I did have some problems over the years, but he mellowed somewhat and I got to know him at a golden time when he was actually fun to be around, he was not perfect at all though.

    The councilor indicated to me that with the lack of human "qualities" of my siblings, to not even attempt any relationship with them, it was not worth it. Further, she indicated that the "character assasination" and continued hateful attitude towards me would not stop, reguardless of how I tried to make it work.

    Like a cat that had played with the mouse to the point of its tiring, when the mouse caught its breath and tried to leave, the cat would just paw the mouse back into submission. I felt like I was the mouse, exhausted by their games of condemnation, but whenever I tried to go about my business they would attack again.

    Their behavior got old but I tolerated it for a few years and realized that my family councilor with was 100% correct, and that the situation would not improve reguardless of what I would try to do to improve it or just not bother them. Therefore, I moved out of town.

    I didn't just move down the street, I made a major move to another part of the country. The result is at first I did take a hit financially getting reestablished, and lost many "conditional friends", however, my immediate family has an abundance of peace and happiness and we are building other friendships. Until I read someone's post like yours and I am reminded what sore shape I was in staying around them I rarely even think of them. I have learned to minimize and compartmentalize my thoughts of my family, they are simply not worth the pain.

    My advice to anyone younger and old enough to live independently either single or just getting married, is to leave your JW family behind and make your own life. If you have family members as J witnesses, move as far away as you possibly can afford to and you nor your family will be influenced by their negativity and dysfunctionality. This may sound like overkill, but I had a brother tell me this 30 years ago, and I truely believe it is the best course, and regret that I didn't do this when I first married. I believe that the husband and wife have to, not just resist, but fight these negative influences.

    Thanks for venting about your family and I hope the best for you.

  • Hortensia

    yeah, I've been there. Had the crazy fucked-up family, the religion, violence, abuse, all that crap. Turn your back on it all. It's time to tell your mother to kiss your ass, and to stay away until she can speak to you with respect.

    You have your children, I hope you have friends and a support system outside the wtbts and a crazy JW family. If not, work on getting some new friends. Counseling helped me enormously, you might consider that.

  • search4truth

    Left home at 16 after being throwed out couple of times for minor stuff. . Parents were giving org priority over us children Working too hard please people . Now nearly 20 years latter living 2000 miles away and my family and my past is still hunting me . Jealous of anybody having normal life! Good luck !

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    I have talked about my wfie's family elsewhere but thought I would add some observtions here as well. When I was first introduced to them altogether at a dinner I felt there was something odd in the lack of communication and banter which happens in my family (though my family has its own dysfunction for other reasons).

    In particular her brother absented himself as soon as we finished eating and went outside. It later became apparent that he is clearly gay (all his friends are gay and he has never had a girlfriend and is in his 30s) but not acknowledged by the family as gay and did not get baptized and is barely tolerated by his father even though he is the smartest, best educated and most talented person in the family.

    Her sister was disfellowshipped for having two kids out of wedlock. Her other sister was pregnant out of wedlock (but not df'd becasue she was never baptized) and her boyfriend looked decidedly uncomfortable. Also another sister commtted suicide a few years back by eating rat poison because the elders threatened to df her if she didn't return to her new JW husband after she ran away from him. But my wife does not hold the eldes responsbile - she says they tried to 'save' her. Guess who she balmes - yes the victim - her sister.

    So denial and not talking about stuff is pretty much a survival tactic in the family and unfortunately my wife has brought that model to our relationship.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Witnesses are very good at appearing "normal" and hiding what they do. There is always the "don't drag Jehovah's name through the mud" routine that means don't let anyone know that the JWs are basically the same as anyone else, they are just masters at covering the dirty laundry.

    No need for me to write my story. You just did that.


  • Bella15

    The end of your post is is SO BEAUTIFUL ..."I also taught them to enjoy the beauty of a storm" You WON! You may think that you are getting the short end of the stick but YOU GOT THE BEST PART ...

    OMG ... we are 7 siblings... our family is so fragmented and dysfunctional thanks to that cult ... perhaps we were going to be dysfunctional anyway I don't know we were all raised or born in that cult ... but unless other families we never had and we don't have the option to look for professional help, counseling to patch things up among brothers and sisters becuase they are JWs and they are above everyone else, even the JW pedophiles are better than anybody else because JW pedophiles can only be judged and understood by JEHOVAH ... life is not worth living trying to understand these people ... ;)

  • NeverKnew

    Concerned2, it sounds like you are really mourning the loss of your father - the only normalcy you had in your life. I'm wondering if losing him brought your awareness of the dysfunction to the surface. Have you had a chance to seek counseling over this loss?

    OH! and welcome... I'm really glad you're here. :)

  • concerned2

    NeverKnew. Yes I am setting up counceling . My father was a non witness and truly my best friend. Don't gt me wrong, he wasn't a perfect father by any means but when I became an adult we were able to discuss our problems. He truly felt bad for allowing our mother full control of our raising. He was used as the "inflictor of punishment" so growing up we only knew him as an abuser.

    JakeM2012 I think your councilor was right, it is a lack of human qualities. I relate well with each thing you said.

    Thank you each and everyone who have commented. I felt so alone. I keep telling myself I need to be "deprogrammed" although I walked away form the truth as a teenager. I don't ever want to hate like my siblings do. I never want to parent like my mother. My daughter sent me a letter today that said" Get away from your family. Close the door and be happy with those who love you. They were never family to us, your children. Walk away and don't look back. You only need the love of those who truly care about you.

    smart girl I have

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