Former Longtime Elder : Contributions

by James Jackson 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    S.O.P. Great point about the amount of time the Servants put in. While I was serving, I never thought that way.

    WWW contributions = 600-700 a month.

  • snare&racket

    Im glad to be honest, in the west its a rainy day financially... I am glad they are proving their real loyalty, their real beliefs.

  • Oubliette

    God loves a cheerful giver!

  • wallsofjericho

    even when I beleived it was the Truth TM I didnt donate except for 1 year I wrote checks out. Absolutely the older sisters are the financial backbone.

    I remember signing the duplicate for a $13,000 donation to our KH (from an old sister that died) and hand delivering the reciept to the accounts servant. I listened for months at the accounts report and NEVER heard a word about the donation or a dollar figure anywhere near that in our savings or donated to the society.

    It was completely absent from the accounts reports.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I never really had the income until I was starting to doubt, so for years I didn't give heavily. But I did give some cash every month.

    From what I have seen, congregations with low-income earners give plenty, a little cash at a time.

  • Londo111

    As Blondie said, maybe people who cannot leave are voting with their wallet. And if not a sign that people have woken up, simply a sign of apathy or fatigue.

    Of course, so much is made that a collection plate is not passed and “we are not like Christendom”, ect, ect… many forget to donate altogether.

  • Hillary

    Oh how I cringe at the thought of anyone donating money to this organization

  • Gayle

    I left early/mid '80s.

    When did the additional contribution boxes start? There are 3 now? Please specify what goes to what? CO expense? Missionaries trips back home? Additional KH contruction funds (would that go for all their new NY building funds)?

    If the local KH got more than necessary for expenses, would they put it automatically into the "Worldwide" one (is that for literature? plus?) Seems that there are so many additional costs.

    Seems most would want to contribute the most/primarily for local Kingdom Hall.

  • Bella15

    • Regardless of that being a CULT ... if you are a member and you say you are Christian and read the bible, it is a Christian duty to give whether you call it tithe, gifts, offerings, etc. Giving is part of Christian living and mandate of Jesus!
  • BluesBrother

    " We have 6 Elders and 7 MS, and none of them ( I am not Serving), want to do the Accounts,"

    Sounds familiar .. A cong either has a M/S who just loves faffing around with all that , or they don't . Is it any easier and computerised nowadays or do you still have to add up those paper sheets? It sounds like your cong is in a sick state. to me.........

    In my last cong. It was The Secretary that nobody wanted, and I got lumbered ! I was out smarted, out manoevered and manipulated into a corner by the rest, I tell you politicians had nothing on those guys! They had it back when I resigned though!!!!!

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