Yeah, it's the classic 'in-group' vs 'out-group' game, which, if you read the article you'd see actually IS biblically-based, eg with Psalms declaring how eg David hates those who are said to be the enemies of God.
Never-mind that Jesus commanded the opposite paradoxical approach ("love your enemy"); the contradictory advise only allows a smorgasborg of options from which believers feel entitled to choose. JWs claim to be the living embodiment of the children of Israel one minute, then followers of Jesus the next.
That's why posters might ask themselves if they're not actually HELPING the GB (and facilitating others staying in the Borg) by offering evidence that seemingly fulfills the GBs claim of ALL apostates being mentally-diseased bitter individuals who act as agents of Satan, filled with hate. How are you harming them by living up to their expectations? Seems that is allowing them to STILL control you vs plotting your own course.
If you give people enough room, they'll soon reveal their TRUE natures; that goes for JWs GB (spouting THEIR intense HATE) and so-called "apostates" (some of whom ARE paradoxically following the example of Jesus even more than the JW's GB, operating out of concern for those members who are trapped in the borg who they don't even know, and likely never will meet).
Even though I personally don't believe Jesus was a divine being, etc, it doesn't mean I've thrown out ALL of his wisdom, and cannot recogize the fundamental truths in what he said, where Jesus was ALL ABOUT explaining how compelling people to act driven by love is healthier and more effective than trying to motive people to act out of fear (it's the classic 'carrot vs stick' situation, where one single blow from the stick undermines all the carrots that were offered).
Vidiot said-
From that, I've came to the conclusion that authoritarian personalities - particularly those in leadership positions - don't experience cognitive dissonance the way the rest of us do.
There's a spectrum of personalities on the GB, and Ray Franz' book 'Crisis of Conscience' touches on the various personality types who served on the GB, from those who were actually trying to do "God's Will" to those who were more aware of the sense of control and power they exerted.
It's safe to conclude they're ALL dedicated "company men", having many more decades of 'managment experience' in the organization that most; hence they are no strangers to playing the games of navigating the power structure of the organization, and are more invested into it's perpetuation. It's not so much about personal wealth, but moreso about the rewards of feeding the same ego needs of a typical JW: wanting to please God, and telling themselves they are KEY players in the events described in the Bible, the living fulfillment of Jesus' words about the FDS.
However, they're all trapped from implementing chance due to the implementation of an organizational structure that guarantees diffusion of resposbility, where if they don't personally feel like they're feeling "holy spirit", they cannot voice their personal doubts, and will alleviate guilt for feeling like a poseur by telling themselves, "well, the other brothers seem filled with spirit, so I'll just go along with the group".