If you view them as stories, fine. As fiction, what is in the LIE-ble is sort of like a PG-13 version of Mother Goose nursery rhymes.
Trouble is, the LIE-ble is full of witchcraft. No one recognizes it. It is designed to make itself look like the actual truth, instead of fiction. Some people can read Genesis and realize that Jacob did not deserve to be honored, yet joke-hova honored that thing anyways--and wish to not honor joke-hova for that. Others think that, since joke-hova honored scumbag Jacob and scorned industrious Esau, there has to be some excuse. Some realize that, if Jesus came from Jacob's line and Jacob was nothing more than a swindler, Jesus must be worthless (or even fiction). In that category, you might even be able to get entertainment value out of pondering why people can read Jscob's story and still view that thing as righteous.
However, for those who still think joke-hova is automatically righteous, caution is advised. Joke-hova endorses Jacob, Joshua, Tyrant David, and others who led the attack on Gentile nations who simply minded their own business. Joke-hova also endorsed the apostle Paul (after that thing became xian), including when that thing bashed women and homosexuals, took a grudging attitude toward marriage, and endorsed slavery. And Jesus--before I came to the realization that thing was nothing more than corrupted allegories, I thought he was merely speaking in pictures. Now I realize that character was put here to help with the global enslavement project. Turning the other cheek? Why, so your masters can abuse you more? Selling your property to give to the poor. What about those who buy it? Are they thus damned? And, finding so many parallels between Christi-SCAM-ity and communism. At one point, while I was a witless, I was seeing a communist condition--of course, believing only that lack of "perfect love" was why it didn't work.
Yes, if you can read these stories and realize they are corrupt, or use it against itself or those religions that claim to abide by it, the LIE-ble provides masterful fiction. Just beware lest you start viewing it as real, or start taking portions of its advice. That book when put together was designed to enslave us all.