what chickpea said !
Hi all
by Saltheart Foamfollower 25 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Saltheart!
Welcome to this forum!
I am still in, and unfortunately I made some mistakes along the way. Thankfully my father is very open minded and is learning TTATT... Why is it ALWAYS the mothers who are the hardest to convince? Anyways... post here often, and I wish you the best. Start making a network. Think of everyone and anyone who is not a JW in your life, who has been a friend at some point, and try and re-establish contact with them. Also, if you have family that is non-JW and NON-RELIGIOUS (This is important!!), then by all means talk to them. Interestingly, while talking to the non-religious, non-JW family, we discovered that a member of my family is getting into another cult (not JW's), but by talking about my own experiences, I helped my family members discover that the other family member could become a member of a cult.
Again, wish you the best,
Cool, welcome dude or saltheart doodete
Hi, nice to meet you.
Welcome Saltheart!
Welcome to the board.
Aunt Fancy
Welcome, I hope you can eventually fad. My family is not in but my husbands is. We live on the other side of the country and his mom kept asking if he was going to the meetings because they always talked about the meetings (she is in her mid 80's) and he finally told her we were not going to the meetings and he didn't believe it any longer. She would never turn us in at least not at this point. I hope you find peace and happiness!
Welcome here, I understand your predicament. I too tweaked my teaching when I was in and an elder, however with more responsibilities and JCs etc I found it too much of a strain, and had to stop going. My life experience and circumstances gave me a good reason to leave, so far my exit plan has worked and my JW family are still on speaking terms.
I wish you all the best and hope you stick around.
Glad you are here, and not their
JW GoneBad
Welcome Saltheart Foamfollower. You say: ' I once discussed how the 14th century fit the last days in a public talk.'
Sounds like you've held some positions of responsibility in the congregation. Care to elaborate without giving away too much personal information?