The society does very ,very, well in selling real estate in prime locations , using voluteer labour and donated materials to build new facilities , yet still solicit donations from brothers and sisters to cover costs for the expansion of the preaching work. $$$$$ `s coming in.
Kingdom Halls that the society says needs a facelift , to do so they need to borrow off the society , then payback with interest. $$$$$$ coming in
New Kingdom Halls being built , paid for by the R&F but owned by the WTB&TS , after X amount of years , sold by the society.$$$$$ profits coming in.
The same applys to Assembly / Convention Halls , built by volutary labour , owned by the society , then sold for profit . $$$$$`s coming in.
Human beings can be corrupted by power , and also by the love of money ,it`s just a matter of time when it will be revealed that a person or persons, as yet unknown, will be caught with their fingers in the till ,siphoning off millions of dollars.
I personally knew a brother / elder who abused his authourity and took money for his own personal use ,was exposed and disfellowshiped ,so I`m pretty sure it can happen higher up with a lot more money at stake .