"The Love of Money" & the WTB&TS always asking for more from the R&F.How long before someone is caught with their hands in the till ?

by smiddy 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • smiddy

    The society does very ,very, well in selling real estate in prime locations , using voluteer labour and donated materials to build new facilities , yet still solicit donations from brothers and sisters to cover costs for the expansion of the preaching work. $$$$$ `s coming in.

    Kingdom Halls that the society says needs a facelift , to do so they need to borrow off the society , then payback with interest. $$$$$$ coming in

    New Kingdom Halls being built , paid for by the R&F but owned by the WTB&TS , after X amount of years , sold by the society.$$$$$ profits coming in.

    The same applys to Assembly / Convention Halls , built by volutary labour , owned by the society , then sold for profit . $$$$$`s coming in.

    Human beings can be corrupted by power , and also by the love of money ,it`s just a matter of time when it will be revealed that a person or persons, as yet unknown, will be caught with their fingers in the till ,siphoning off millions of dollars.

    I personally knew a brother / elder who abused his authourity and took money for his own personal use ,was exposed and disfellowshiped ,so I`m pretty sure it can happen higher up with a lot more money at stake .


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Of course. It happens in any organisation. That's why government offices at all levels and many huge companies have strict financial auditing. I'm not sure the WT org's window washers are up to that standard.

  • smiddy


    I`m thinking more along the line of the GB or their close associates or someone in their legal department , you know what lawyers are like .LOL


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Well who would audit the guys at the top? But really, if they live in a room at Bethel and fly first class all over the world on voluntary donations, what would they do with the money?

  • mP

    It probably has happened, the problem is of course nobody ever publishes it. The pedophile payouts and scandals are an example of how much trouble and denial they will go to hide the truth from members. Ask any member and they wont have a clue about any of these things.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Near the top of the money pile, I think it's all being done legally.

    GB members don't skim. They just take trips on Watchtower's dime, saying they will give a talk or visit a branch whereever they go. They don't hide a place in the Swiss Alps, they just stay at the 5-Star Hotel.

    Lawyers and accountants and Regional Building Committee Suppliers and ink and paper suppliers and the like just outright bill Watchtower. The organization does not show expenditures to the members. It's not a "hand in the till" on the sly. It's a hand in the till in plain sight.

    However, I do dream of the day when accountants have seen what they can do and have siphoned off millions into offshore bank accounts and suddenly disappear to go spend it. I really don't believe that is happening, but I hope it is.

    If the GB wanted to cooperate with stealing all the money, as much as I would hate them getting away, I would help them pack their bags if it meant ending this cult.

  • prologos

    There was a meeting part where estate trustees were admonished to direct funds(or equities) to the wt if it is so willed.

    apparently there are many ways that money can be syphoned off before it gets to the so called "world wide work" fund.

    corporate greed is one thing, private greed another.

    power, lucre and lust

    brings out the worst in the worst of us.

  • designs

    Yes, when you're at the top of this heep why kill the golden goose. These guys and their wives have it made, all expenses paid.

  • Vidiot
    OnTheWayOut - "...I do dream of the day when accountants have seen what they can do and have siphoned off millions into offshore bank accounts and suddenly disappear to go spend it. I really don't believe that is happening, but I hope it is..."

    Had you ever considered this (5th post down)?

  • sir82
    then payback with interest.

    The Society stopped charging interst on loans many years ago.

    There's no need for the guys at the top to dip their hands in - they control those billions of dollars, they live the life of CEOs, and they have power over 7 million + people. Yet they are protected by the 1st amendment of the US constitution and unless they do something colossally stupid will never be held accountable for anything by anyone.

    They are the envy of dicatators everywhere.

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