Rebel 8 ... This is an important find.
maybe WT would like people to believe it was all selected at random without meaning. Imagine if I was a magazine publisher for a religious magazine, if i asked you to draw a design and choose s name for the magazine..... How could anything be used at random? Every drawing and desicion would have a reason for its use.
For example, the early magazines by Watchtower had a knights helmet with a crook and an axe alongside a crown and a cross, on every issue. Why? random scribbles?
Then there is the picture of a *watchtower* or sun disks or twin columns or pyramids and the names and phrases "golden dawn" or "golden age" and even "The Watchtower". Random? ALL THESE THINGS ARE MASONIC IMAGERY AND PHRASING. i am not saying Russel was a Masons, I wasnt alive and cant ask him but the early doctrines and designs of early wt books, literature and buildings are all very masonic.
A major masonic symbol is the archway (a stone masons bread and butter skill) and all archways have two colums. Colums are all over masonic literature and symbolism. I too have noticed how often it appears in Watchtower literature and buildings. Not in obvious places one would expect it, but in places where a desiciom was made to use that imagery. The old literature is full of it!
See how many JW symbols and imagety you can find here.....