I was baptized at the Astrodome too! lol. I specifically chose there instead of Circuit or Special Day so I could walk on the AstroTurf. Yea my priorities were in the right place lol ;)
Your Baptism
by Aunt Fancy 25 Replies latest jw friends
I was baptized at 17 at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. I thought I was getting "older" and needed to commit. I have no recollection of the date only that it was summer time. I wore a super cute bathing suit with a huge white t shirt borrowed from my dad so that I would be "modest".
Wasblind, did you grow up in the religion or did someone find you at the door?___Aunt Fancy
I didn't grow up a Witness
They caught me at a weak moment in my life, and jus' like buzzards on a carcass
they pounced
They are well trained in this
and in case an apologist wants to call me a lie
Case and point :
'But why do the Witnesses call repeatedly even at homes of people who do not share thier faith ?
" People themselves change ; serious problems in life may stimualte an awareness of spiritual need "____Reasoning book page 206
Um Hmn.........They hone in on your specific problem and make all kinda promises that it will be fixed any day now
Case and point :
Last Days
" The present wicked system of things, which extends worldwide, entered it's last days in 1914, and some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness its complete end in the great tribulation "______Reasoning book page 234
" The generation that was alive at the begining of the fulfillment of the sign in 1914 is now well along in years. The time remaining must be very short."______Reasoning book page 239
I use the reasoning book cuz that's what they gave me when I was a publisher
I allowed those Pimps in brooklyn to get thier hustle on at my expense
I went D2D lyin' and conivin' like a shameless hussy
Now I duck and dodge evry householder who study I sat in on
I'm a fugitve in my own town who's on the run. For the lies I told
Pay back is hell though, cuz in turn, the brothers from the hall
dodge me from questionin' those same lies
" Have you ever wondered why we grow old and die ? Some sea turtles live for hundreds of years. But humans live just 70 or 08 and then die ? Have you ever wondered why ?_____Reasoning book page 14
When you put all these lies together, time ran out 30 years ago
Didn't mean to derail your remembrance thread Aunt fancy
but I look at baptism in this cult as a commitment to a bad relationship
Like a person who commits to an abusive relationship wit thier eyes wide open
Young children have an excuse, but most adults already know and have it in writin' that there's no honorable way out
all they have to do is check their " Organized to do Jehovah's will book " page 155 before they get baptized
Even if they don't read the literature they have come to know that it's
No Blood, risk death to prove your loyalty
No holidays , if somebody ring your door bell on Holloween lookin' for a treat
trick 'em wit a Watchtower
Birthdays celebrations ? What you need to celebrate for ? Life as a Witness is all about persecution baby
wit a capital "P"
Shunning. Means if you don't obey your abuser,
you'll be ripped away from everything you've come to know like the flesh from bones
All ain't lost Aunt Fancy, this thread can serve to warn others what not to do
like swim wit sharks in the baptismal pool
Aunt Fancy
?everything, that is funny about the Astro turf. I never gave that a though but then again it probably isn't a big thing to a woman.
FLN, I had a cute suit too and I wanted to put a T shirt on but they wouldn't let mev they said it would look worse with one on.
Wasblind, you brought up some very good points. They do get you when you are at a low point. I feel you were so fortunate you never were baptized but the pain is there no matter what. It takes a huge toll on a persons life.