Armageddon Is Right Around the Corner!

by Cold Steel 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    mP: Ezekiel was a fraud, he made another prophecy that tyre (Eze 26) would be destroyed forever and yet its still around today. Look it up on google earth.

    Again, mP, you speak without knowing all the facts. It may be that Ezekiel misspoke, or it could be that there are details regarding these prophecies that we don't know. Were any conditional aspects to this prophecy that we're not told about? Or historical or other extenuating circumstances that we don't presently know about?

    Ezekiel has a very good track record in prophecies, too good for it to have been lucky or happenstance.

    The Nature of Prophets and Prophecy

    Ezekiel: Inerrent or Fallible?

  • WTWizard

    Armageddon is in 1874! That was the viewpoint in 1872, when they settled an argument about which of the end-times cults was right. This started back in the 1830s. Of course, none of them were correct--everything was exactly the same. About all that changed in or about 1914 was that the Rothschilds finally planted a Federal Reserve Bank permanently in the United Tyranny of Stupidity, damning that country to an eternity of debt slavery and income taxes.

    Does the Rothschild family have anything to do with joke-hova? They probably serve the same nefarious purpose, since both intend to enslave the whole world.

  • cantleave

    Cold steel stop spamming your cult's websites in your posts.

    Your brand of cults is as dispicable as the witnesses - why don't you just give it a rest with your shitty little religion?

  • Vanderhoven7



    When is Austrailia? When is New York? When is England? When is Antarctica? When is Japan? When is Armageddon???

  • konceptual99

    Most will have convinced themselves through CogDis that it's very close (2-5 years).

    They will rationalise that it does not matter even if it's not here in 10 years it's not a problem as it's God's timetable.

    I don't know how many may either consiously or, at the very least in the back of their minds, harbour doubts it's going to be anytime soon. What I do know is that there are very very few who would openly suggest that it's decades off.

    The WTS is doing a grand job of telling people that it does not matter if it's years away, rehashing doctrines to obsfucate timeline speculation (e.g. generations) yet maintain a fantastic sense of imminent expectation.


    I believe JWFACTS said, " SOON, specific enough to motivate, yet general enough to keep from setting a date." It was something like that. I don't know where that quote is, but it was very true. The WTBTS loves the word "SOON!"

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    CantLeave: Your brand of cults is as dispicable as the witnesses - why don't you just give it a rest with your shitty little religion?

    Just what is my “brand of cults”? And how are they as despicable as the Witnesses? I’ve noticed that you and your little atheist friends seem to be easily provoked when anyone stands up to you or defends what you think are mind numbing, controlling cults like Judaism, Christianity and, more recently, Mormonism.

    So what do you do? You spit out your insults and resort to name calling! Chances are you’ve been burned by the Society and have now turned against all religion, and you think that by spewing vociferous contempt at it will make people see religion for what it is, all delusional tripe.

    No one’s forcing to you or anyone else to read my posts and you can just ignore them if you wish. It would really be a shame if you actually learned something instead of just posting pot shots without form or substance.


    Now, getting back to Armageddon, I wonder how many Jehovah's Witnesses realize that their understanding of this last great battle is entirely different than the understanding of the vast majority of Christian religions. There’s a reason many of the ancient prophets, apostles and Jesus himself were so preoccupied with the Middle East in the last days, and those who decide to put aside their Watchtowers and study what the scriptures say about what Armageddon is and how it’s supposed to come to a head, will quickly see that there’s a real problem with JW exegeses.

    It’s 2013 now, and Judah began gathering back to the lands of its inheritance beginning in the late 1800s and became a nation in 1947, less than a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, the Bible Students didn't anticipate it. Now plans for the building of the third temple are in the works and for the first time in history, Jerusalem, as foretold, is surrounded by its enemies.

    The Jehovah's Witness concept of Armageddon is similar to the Norse concept of Ragnarök, only the outcome is different. The fateful day dreaded by all Vikings is a day that would pit all the forces of good against all the forces of evil. But instead of good vanquishing evil, both good and evil would be destroyed. It wasn’t so much the conclusion that’s significant, but the anticipation. It was something that was always in the back of Norse minds—a day if imminent judgment and destruction. Author Edith Hamilton suggested Ragnarök was a reflection of the doom and gloom the Norse lived by. Their very existence rested on the food and goods procured by raids. Unlike the Greek gods, the Norse gods weren’t entirely immortal and could be killed. And instead of controlling the earth universe, their job was to hold it all together for as long as possible. And while Thor and the others held their feasts and made the best of things while they could, it was Odin that stood aloof and contemplated the last day.

    While most other Christian denominations see Armageddon similar to how the Jews see their climatic battle (Ezek. 38-39; Zech. 12-14), as a local war culminating in the return of Christ, the Jehovah's Witnesses see it as a great battle between good and evil. And since Yahweh will slay many in his coming, the Society sees itself as the last chance of humanity and, in essence, tells its membership to hurry up and wait!

    I just wonder if people us the phrase “just around the corner” any more at Kingdom Hall or whether they’ve learned anything from the past. It also would help if the leadership stopped working the people up into a frenzy, only to have their hopes dashed.

  • DesirousOfChange

  • Vidiot
    Cold Steel - " do they think it's going to start?"

    According to Fred Franz's eschatology, it's supposed to start when the United Nations suddenly and unexpectedly marshalls a planet-wide campaign to supress and outlaw organized religion, and that the overwhelming majority of the world goes along with it. The idea has its origins in mid-20th Century right wing conspiracy theory (among other things), so I suppose it was somewhat plausible when he scripted it out.

    Strangely, Ted Jaracz believed that it would be triggered by a "vast apostate army" attacking the WTS. How that was supposed to dovetail into official WT canon, I'm not sure.

    Yes, everybody, I'm aware that I gave the troll a crumb, but IMO, it was a legitimate question that no one had answered yet.


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