Thank goodness. I was afraid I was suffering from disassociative identity disorder!
Something odd just happened when I logged on!
by tornapart 78 Replies latest forum tech-support
I've noticed that the person who appears instead of my name then appears as having just posted a few minutes later.
I just clicked on active topics and I was you! I think you are on to something. But I think because you had just posted, I momentarily turned into you.
This is kind of fun!
Amelia Ashton
I am now you AnnOMaly so you could be onto some-thing there. x
It happened in order - I was laverite then open mind - they've just posted.
Amelia Ashton
I am truthseeker 674 now
Strange...I just became be sure!!
Amelia Ashton
I am sloppyjoe again but I don't think they are posting atm so maybe the glitch is if you are logging in.
Hmm, yes. Not all my alternate identities are posting either. Maybe it's nothing to do with posting after all.