Back in May, I had a friend email me after the release of our JWStruggle video and tell me that the book I wrote and had published was all over the internet and some of you requested that I keep you up to date, so here goes.
I hired an attorney to write the publisher a letter. They stopped selling hard copies and the digital copies of my book but have still not sent a full accounting of how many of my books they sold and reimbursed me and are now ignoring my phone calls and attorneys letters. So the lawyer suggested that since it is difficult to sue internationally, I call the local office of the FBI. Yes, VERY scary. So it took me 2 weeks to get up the courage so I finally called them. Very nice agent. Took all the information and said they would assign an agent to my case and look into it. That warning at the beginning of a DVD? is real and they take it very seriously as copyright infringement. He then gave me the phone # for the Federal Trade Commission & the Federal Customs dept. So I filed complaints with all 3 agencies and they will look into it and told me to hang on to all the evidence I gathered because it is a FEDERAL offense to pirate a book and sell it, then when it is over the U.S borders into Canada, it then becomes a Federal CUSTOMS and Trade Commission fraud.
YIPPEE! I hope they go after them damn pirates!