I think that they are analyzing what Lett said in his video... My sister and I were doing the numbers just a few days ago, and this is pretty interesting:
To deepen his appeal for more money, Brother Lett continues:
“For one thing, the financial needs in the field have accelerated at a pace unlike any time in the recent past.”
Why have these needs accelerated at such an unprecedented rate? Is it because of unprecedented growth? Let’s see. He continues: “A recent analysis of the needs for kingdom halls here in the United States showed that 1600 new kingdom halls or major renovations are needed, not sometime in the future, but right now.”
“And worldwide we are in need of more than 14,000 places of worship not including ongoing future growth”
Last year there was a 1% growth rate in the United States. According to the 2015 Yearbook, the number of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the U.S. increased by 18,875. If we assume an average congregation size of 70 publishers, that represents just 270 congregations. Since most halls are used to house multiple congregations, this represents conservatively a need because of growth for 135 additional kingdom halls assuming that none of the existing halls has room for these new congregations. Yet we are told that there is a desperate need for many times that number. Why?
Worldwide the need is for 14,000 halls according to Lett. That would be enough for 30,000 congregations. Yet, according to the 2015 Yearbook, the total number of congregations grew last year by only 1,593.
Even if we allow for one hall for every congregation, that still leaves us to explain why an additional 12,500 kingdom halls are urgently needed.
If they are asking us for money, they really need to explain why this sudden expansion is needed at a time when the worldwide growth is slowing down based on the organization’s own statistics.
This reminds me when my husband and I looked at each other during the Circuit Assembly when they said "We are starting out $5,000 in the hole.... we need more $$" then at the end of the assembly, they say they have four, five, six thounsand dollars, and does everyone want to send it to Mother, New York? Yes, they do. They do that every single time. If they "saved" that money, they wouldn't need more... However, in reality, they never were "down by $5,000" they JUST say it....