After learning TTATT attending meetings is real pain for me but have no option other then participate. Since many JW use mobile devices during meetings I use them too. But instead of WT or Bible study book I read apostate books like Raymond Franz Books ,Captive of Concept etc.It helps a lot to survive 2 hours of boredom. Problem is that though the talks are sometimes very disruptive and I can't concentrate on my reading.Anyone with similar experience?
Apostate books
by search4truth 12 Replies latest jw friends
Are you not afraid of someone looking over your shoulder?
Iown Mylife
OMG that is hilarious! Are you kidding, or have you actually been doing that? And the fact mobile devices are allowed in the meeting now - that has to be fairly recent - i never saw it so it was after i left.
It's really astonishing because when people first started to get home computers and began bringing printed-out scriptures to the meeting, all the old buzzards who didn't have computers were kicking up a huge fuss - "Oh, that isn't theocratic - they should be reading out of the actual Bible, not off a paper!"
Welcome search4truth.....totally understand, its not at all easy. But at least you get to read something interesting, parts of it at least.....I used to make dumb looking faces or hold my nose when most elders would have a part. It was the only way I could deal with the boredom. One day that exit sign will say its time to go 4 good! in the meantime keep your name you got.....insearchoftruth4
Well I'm doing that for a few months .Sure I need to be careful but so many people use those devices that nobody is really bothered and nobody ever tryed look over my shoulder or anything like that.My son sometimes ask me what am I reading - well -watch tower different issue though.
I bring my 7" tablet where I store CoC and ISoCF, Combatting Mind Control, Captives of a Concept all on PDF along with the Song Book, latest KM thanks to Atlantis, and the Jeremiah book and latest Koolaid Edition of the WT. I set the resolution so you can read the text only if you have 20/20 vision so someone sitting behind me is just going to see a blur of text (unless they have eagle vision. :-)
how can anyone say that Raymond Franz book is apostate?....he was df just for having a meal with a df person. I consider his book to be more truthful and honest than the dodgy food from the gb.... !
I'm truly not trying to be condescending here... I really can't imagine sitting through meetings. I feel for you guys.
The only time I've been in KH's is for funerals... I can barely get through them without standing up and yelling 'BULLSHIT!'.
Seriously, my blood boils.
I am flabbergasted that the Society hasn't made yet another rule about not using electronics inside the Kingdom Hall.
How in the world did they miss that?
"I am flabbergasted that the Society hasn't made yet another rule about not using electronics inside the Kingdom Hall."
Both the Watchtower and Awake! magazines are available as epub and pdf documents.
I am going to venture to guess that many JWs follow the Watchtower study using their iPad or tablet computer.