My wife is determined that my son will get circumcised when he is 10 or 11. I tell her that if she wanted him circumcised she should have done it when he was born and that it will be his choice and if he says no I will support him all the way. One thinkg I am not sure of is whether she is so adamant about this because the WBTS requires or encourages it or because it is a cultrual practice int eh Philippines (certainly leaving it until 10 or 11 seems to be a Filipino thing. so my question is more directed at the practice of circumcision rather than the age at which it is done.
Does the WBTS encourage circumcision?
by Frazzled UBM 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The WT as far as I remember haven't made what could be interpreted as a rule on this, but they have written in favour of the practice, quoting some doubtful medical evidence to suggest that the mutilation of a boys pride and joy is a good thing.
There is much evidence now that it is not a good thing, and I think it is a terrible thing to do to a boy, as you rightly say, it can be, and should be, his choice when he is an adult.
The genital mutilation of girls is rightly found appaling by civilised societies, here in the U.K we are doing much to outlaw the practice.
It is about time it was stopped for boys too.
Leave them kids alone.
I can see local jws and elders making it seem official...........always request something in writing.
I remember talking to a Phillipino man about this years ago. He was adament that 10 year old boys actually look forward to having it done. I said to him surely not, but he insisted that most of them really want it done at that age. Sod that lol
Frazzled UBM
Thanks all, especially Blondie for your links, I am much clearer on the issue now (the WBTS does not explicit endorse the prctice but thinks it is a good idea) and remain determined that my son can decide for himself when he reaches that age with the knowledge that it is not necessary for any particular reason - it's just it is the done thing in the Philippines and if he wants to feel solidarity with his cousins and uncles (as a coming of age ritual it may have some vlue) and as long as it is done safely and as painlessly as possible and he wants to get it done then fine.
Narcissistic Supply
at 10???? WTF!!!!!
You gotta be kidding me!!!!!
Its a friggin book club!!!! Those WT ladies should mind their own business.
He may make the decision as a 10 year old to be the same as his brothers & friends etc, however he could bitterly regret it when he's older.
Mutilation of male genitals should not be viewed favourably.
Circumcision at 10 year old, when it is not medically necessary, is abusive.
Absolutely not.
Here in this area of the US, the vast majority of baby boys are circumcised right after birth. Still there are who now advocate strongly against this practice. Fortunately, I don't know of anyone who recalls having it done at 3 days old.
Frazzled UBM
okay - I hear you - I iwll do what I cna to get him to recongize it will be painful (although they leave in the bath for hours before hand to soften the skin to make it easier and as painless as possible) and unnecessary. My older son had it done because his foreskin didn't retract and it became painful. This was quite painful for him (because the foreskin hadn't retracted) so he can talk to my younger son. I think it is my yonger son's choice though and as long as it is informed and not the result of emotional and social pressure from my wife and her family I would prefer he feels that he is the one making the decision.