$300,000,000 - Percentage YOU Would Donate To WTS?

by Derrick 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    During my Press Conference, I'd really get them salivating as I talk about the amount I'm going to donate in rememberance of the children who have died as a result of upholding Jehovah's Commandment on blood.

    That should get their attention.

    Then, I'd give them one of those big checks like 4 feet by 2 feet made out in the amount of 1 penny.

    I can dream, can't I? class

  • Kenneson

    The Brooklyn Vatican has enough real estate! It already has its own empire. I would give to
    health organizations, charities, homeless shelters, etc. (all those groups the Society discourages us from donating to). Whatever was
    left I would spend on my family and me.

  • Dutchie

    Why in the world would I give them anything. What have they ever done for me but force me to buy their literature and peddle it from door to door? No, I would use the money to help my family and donate to charities that really needed the money to exist. The WTBTS?
    No way, jose.

  • SoulJah

    I'd give them a hard time; maybe find a team of lawyers [O.J. style]
    and try to sue them or something to that effect

    One day we'll all be together,until then I'm ready for whatever
    ---Tupac Shakur

  • DakotaRed
    *** w89 7/15 30 Questions From Readers ***
    Questions From Readers
    õ Is it appropriate for a Christian to buy lottery tickets as mere entertainment if the proceeds go to a charity?

    The Bible certainly does not discourage fitting entertainment, for Jehovah is “the happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11) His people can enjoy music, modest dancing, moderate eating or drinking, and balanced sports and games. (Psalm 150:4; Ecclesiastes 2:24) However, gambling clearly conflicts with God’s wise counsel, and this is true of sharing in lotteries.

    Exactly what is a lottery? It involves buying tickets to have a chance to win prizes. Winners are determined by a drawing or some random way of choosing a number. Often there is one huge prize, perhaps amounting to millions of dollars, pesos, or pounds. The appeal of such an enormous prize is so great that lotteries have become “the most widespread form of gambling.” (The World Book Encyclopedia) Hundreds of millions of people gamble by means of lotteries.

    Some people have reasoned that being involved in a lottery is not wrong or bad because the cost of a ticket (chance) may be small, because those participating do so willingly, and because some of the proceeds may be used for a charitable purpose, such as helping the poor. How valid is such reasoning?

    While some claim that buying a lottery ticket is simple, low-cost entertainment, there is no denying the greed factor. People buy lottery tickets hoping to win a lot of money. This certainly runs in the face of divine counsel against greediness, which can be such a serious vice that it can prevent a person from ‘inheriting God’s kingdom.’ Hence, if a Christian manifested persistent greed by gambling, he could be excluded from the congregation. (1 Corinthians 5:11; 6:10) The Bible says: “An inheritance is being got by greed at first, but its own future will not be blessed.” (Proverbs 20:21) If a Christian felt any impulse to ‘take a chance’ in a lottery, he should think seriously about the greed on which the lottery is based. Ephesians 5:3 says that ‘greediness should not even be mentioned among us,’ much less given in to by a Christian.
    The largest portion of lottery players are usually found in poor communities. So even if the cost of a ticket is small, funds are being diverted that ought to go toward genuine family needs—more food, adequate clothing, improved medical care. A person who claims to be a Christian but neglects such family needs “is worse than a person without faith.”—1 Timothy 5:8.

    Even if the cost of a lottery ticket would not significantly harm someone’s personal or family finances, that does not mean that others are not harmed. Why so? Because almost anyone buying a lottery ticket would like to win. From where would his prize money come? If his ticket cost ten pesos and the prize is a million pesos, that means that he takes the ticket money from a hundred thousand other people. Does that harmonize with God’s counsel against coveting others’ valuables? (Deuteronomy 5:21) In fact, his prize will involve money taken from many more people, for far more than a hundred thousand tickets will have to be sold. A goodly amount of ticket money must go for administrative costs, as well as some to the charitable purpose that is trumpeted as the rationale for the lottery. So even if a person can afford the ten pesos for his own ticket, what about vast numbers of others? Moreover, his winning will probably be publicized, moving many to begin playing the lottery or buying more tickets, even if they cannot afford this.

    There is also no denying that bound up with the lottery is the dream of winning money without working for it. Yes, the lottery encourages laziness or appeals to it. The Bible, though, urges God’s people to be thrifty, industrious, and hardworking. Rather than promote a ‘get something for nothing’ spirit, it advises: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.”—2 Thessalonians 3:10; Proverbs 13:4; 20:4; 21:25; 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12.

    That others may share in a lottery of their own volition and that it is legal does not justify involvement in it by Christians. Some governments legalize other forms of gambling, as well as prostitution and polygamy. Though such things may be legal and many people are willingly involved in them, this does not mean that such activities are proper in God’s sight. Christians, rather, strive to reflect David’s view: “Make me know your own ways, O Jehovah; teach me your own paths. Make me walk in your truth and teach me, for you are my God of salvation.”—Psalm 25:4, 5.

    If a Christian genuinely wants to help the poor, handicapped, or elderly, he certainly can do so directly or in a way that does not involve gambling.

    Though widely known as a lottery, this type of gambling may also be called a pool, sweepstakes, raffle, or some local name.

    There you have it, straight from the horses' A**, errr, mouth. Why would I give them a penny? From the above, they would not even want it, right?

    Bet they would find an excuse to accept it, though!

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Farkel


    : How do you respond?

    You should already know this, but I don't answer hypothetical questions. The whole JW experience is based upon giving answers to hypothetical questions. I don't do that anymore.

    How's H2O doing these days?


  • Marilyn

    Farkel is right of course, but buying a lottery ticket is about buying a hypothetical moment. SO, I would fly out to the States and take AF & and his lovely SO to the best meal money could buy. I'd ask Alan what changes the WTS most needs to make. Then I'd set about seeing if the WTS is open to financial incentives to change? I'm wondering how much money it would take for them to genuinely back away from shunning, whole blood restrictions and generally develop a more relaxed and compassionate attitude towards their followers. I guess I wouldn't have enough money though.

  • WildHorses

    Simon, what about Ang?

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • Derrick

    Thanks for your honest replies. Even though some may feel it is greedy or selfish, it takes openness and honesty to admit that one would hoard $300,000,000 all to themselves! (ROTFLOL!!) ;-)

    I appreciated Alan's candor in writing a check for $300,000,000 to the Watchtower Society in order to avoid taxes. The IRS would not like Alan, however, because he would essentially be giving roughly $150,000,000 that would have gone to developing new government weapons to the Watchtower Society. I can picture the IRS retaliating and auditing him all the way back to his first earnings year in his teens! ;-)

    Seriously, would any of you deliberately set out on a course to FLAUNT your $300,000,000 in winnings in front of your local congregation (or let's say, roughly half of that after taxes)?

    For example, is there anyone who would get a perverse thrill at buying the most expensive Rolls Royce late model available and taking it out in field service during the Circuit Overseer's visit?

    Would you brothers wear Armani suits and Rolex watches and investment grade diamond stick pins on your tie to the next meeting?

    Would you sisters go to a meeting in a $100,000 evening gown dripping in diamonds and jewels?

    Would you conspicuously open an expensive brief case full of $100 bills and start stuffing the contribution box before the meeting, in the full sight of everyone including the elders?

    Perhaps you brothers could get all decked out and approach one of those beautiful fulltime Pioneering sisters, open a briefcase filled with $100 bills in front of everyone, and offer it to her so she can continue her field ministry "without financial burdens"?

    After you finished passing around briefcase after briefcase to each of the elders, the circuit overseer and a few Pioneers, and wrote a huge check to the Society, here's the real clincher:

    Would they dare disfellowship you for anything or would they find a way to avoid disfellowshipping you NO MATTER WHAT CHARGE WAS BROUGHT FORTH AGAINST YOU?

    Unfortunately the answers will help understand the extent to which the congregations have really become "down to earth" and even downright "worldly" since 1980.

    Can't wait to hear your answers to the above. And if you do win that lotto, don't forget mua when handing out all that money. ;-D


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • NameWithheld

    Ah yes - I truely did not know how the game was played when I was a JW. The 'green' handshakes w/ the COs, the large checks in the money boxes, etc. Taking the PO/elders out to dinner, etc.

    Looking back I see clearly how certain ones seemed to have free reign to do what they wanted, rarely getting more than a slap on the wrist. It all had to do with money of course.

    Yes, I think a flaunting of your money would earn you a certain 'get out of DFing free' card. If you weren't TOO deliberate about things. Depends on the hall too I would guess. The local elders would hate to wreck their money train!

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