I hear you problemaddict!
The WTBTS-What A Joke!
by JW GoneBad 17 Replies latest jw friends
JW GoneBad
So how reliable is WT’s CD-ROM due to the numerous past and current changes to JW theology.
There are literally thousands of old and current articles that appear in WT’s CD-ROM that are obsolete, out-of-date or to put it bluntly prehistoric due to these changes. These articles need to be scrapped/discarded because they are inaccurate and contain erroneous, defective & faulty Bible information. What is the WT to do? My guess is WT’s CD-ROM will go by way of the dinosaur! What do you think?
This is the most messed up thing the watchtower does. But people like my parents do not pay attention to this. Their so brainwashed, they'll just say its 'neeeeewww liiiiiight, aight!'
Frazzled UBM
This is fantastic - just cut and pasted it and sent it to my wife suggesting to her that the Governing Body must have nothing but contempt for Witnesses if they think they can do this and it will just be accepted without question. Unfortunately the GB are probably right in assuming they will get away with this with most Witnesse - but hopeful some will wake up and smell the coffee.
the Governing Body must have nothing but contempt for Witnesses if they think they can do this and it will just be accepted without question.
Yes, they have utter contempt for the rank & file.
And yes, they know this change will be accepted without any problem whatsoever.
I just played an excellent documentary to my long-standing JW parents last night on YouTube which really illustrates how so many people can become duped by unbelievably ridiculous religious cults. It’s called “Gods of the New Age – Mind-Control Cults,” and it is at the following link:
The documentary highlights the abundant proliferation of these gurus over in India, who are self-appointed spiritual leaders who manage to get a following of brainless sheep. (It is a somewhat older film, dated sometime around the early 90s.) These old bearded men claim to be equal to, or even superior to, God Himself! And, of course, some of them claim to actually be God in the flesh.
It shows these old gurus parading around before their dirt-poor followers, who are seen waving, bowing, and even throwing dirt on themselves. One guru apparently parades by his followers three times a day in his Rolls Royce – he actually owned 40 of them! Many of these little cults are now even amassing supporters by westerners over in India, and some are moving shop right into the USA, many under the pretext of offering various yoga meditation groups. It showed them in one such yoga class all writhing and bouncing around more tenaciously than those jungle tribal communities you see on National Geographic, including rolling around and contorting on the floor screaming insanely (somehow this is suppose to help them in some enigmatic way).
My point is that when you consider the tremendous proliferation of so many different bizarre little cults like that, where even seemingly intelligent and educated people are drawn in and promptly drop their brain in the garbage bin at the door, I guess maybe it’s not quite so much of a stretch of the imagination to see odd cults like the Watchtower. As the saying goes, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” It seems to be a common “human” thing for so many people at large to completely surrender themselves – often to the totally ridiculous!
Narcissistic Supply
It's no joke that they fooled 7 million people and trapped them in a cult. It's no joke that they launder a billion dollars of real estate. It's no joke that they don't pay wages on about 13 billion dollars of labor a year. It's no joke that they destroy tens of thousands of families and people die needlessly. That's awesome. If a public corporation did this they would be shorted in to the toilet. If a religion does this the jokers in the governing body refuse to even be held accountable. I don't think they should get off easy for the child endangerment stuff. I think the corporations should be tared and feathered for that. If the elders want to escape culpubility that's fine with me but the corporations should be brought to their knees for aiding and abetting that behavior and refusing to demonstrate a policy that protects children...... that's no joke.
You have to really care about what is truthful to be disturbed by these rubbery changes. Trouble is while JWs are wedded to an organizational concept of the Truth, they are not in the least interested in what is truthful or, its opposite, what is false. The poster who said most JWs don't give a flying fig about the doctrinal changes in this Watchtower is clearly a very astute observer of the JW mentality.