I just read the entire book in one sitting thru Amazon app. What a great story of how going to Bethel actually BREAKS your spiritual back and leaves you the path right out of the religion! You can't make this crap up, and this stuff sells itself because anyone who was ever a JW or close to Brooklyn knows the ring of "Truth" when they hear it. This reeks of TRUTH.
Some highlights for me were at the end when he was saying goodbye to the JW couple that were his friends. Their reaction is pure Cult gold!!! It's also typical of people who are only your friends based upon "conditions". I wonder where that JW couple is now? Still tolling away up there in the factory for nothing, no children, no home, just endless labour, OR maybe Headquarters showed them the door once they got older and now they are out in the very "System of Things" that they despised so much. Be warm and well fed, Brother and Sister Uncaring A-holes! I almost hope that's what happened to them, that they were kicked out on their asses after decades of "service" into a world they know nothing about except that they hate it.
Another highlight was speaking about the printing of the classic 1984 WatchTower & Awake! magazines with the Generation and 1914 covers. The 1984 bound volumes are the only ones I kept specifically because of these. Imagine, that was almost 30 years ago now!! I was 4 yrs old when they came out, and I still remember them......it's like they are burned into my psyche. We weren't even supposed to make it out of the 1980's, remember?
The crap you endured......the sheer institutional hell you lived......the spiritual "Love" just oozes from the pages of your memoir. This book should be passed around to any perspective young JW even remotely thinking of applying to Beth-hell. I read it in one straight shot, and am nearly sick thinking about actually living like that. I'm glad you got out alive and with your sanity, unlike Mr. Coffee.
- Wing Commander