More fear and paranoia WT-style! (11/15/13 WT)

by LostGeneration 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostGeneration

    They are prepping them for something.

    DS mentions $$$$, I think this is the most likely scenario. Selling the halls off is step one, but they really can only gain stability with regular cash flow.

    Maybe they file bankruptcy with a coinciding settlement of every child abuse case they have out there, clean it all up at once. At the same time, claim persecution and institute a tithe.

    Tithing may be the "nasty medicine" that they are getting ready to feed the troops. Gawd knows how much they love the OT, plenty of scriptural tripe they can use to back up a huge cash grab like that.

    If they are planning to institute a tithe, they gotta have as many as possible on board. They know they will lose a chunk of people immediately with something like this, so drill it into them obey obey obey because your life depends on it.

  • steve2

    Brings to mind the classic fall-back excuse for inhuman behavior: "But, I was only following orders." Yes, folks, be prepared to follow our orders even if those orders don't make sense...

  • cofty

    That quote in yellow in the OP made me shudder.

    Like you I have no patience with the sensationalists but they are up to something.


    That whole magazine is messed up. I became ill after reading it. I went home and drank and took some oxycodone. It's killing me, but I can't lose my family. I feel like I have to stay strong and stay in and watch these bastards. When they give the "order", that's when I take my family and run, even if they are kicking and screaming all the way. I am beginning to belive that I am having my "great tribulation" right now.

    Those articles are nothing more than propaganda to obey the Org. They must be afraid that they will lose followers, perhaps because of child abuse cases? They are ramping up the emotional appeals. The "eight dukes" article was so ignorant. Of course there is ZERO scriptural support for saying that Micah 5:5 applies to Jehovah's Witness Elder's. It may apply to David and his brothers, or the chosen Apostles, according to some commentaries. Even the WTBTS's favorite NETBIBLE of Christendom fails to support this "idea" of the GB. I am sure that David Splane love's it!

    Do you think the GB are starting to lose confidence in their own beliefs and teachings? Are they getting tired? Do they think that something has to happen soon? Are they losing faith?

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    Keep them from leaving.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    DESIGNER STUBBLE nailed it!

    I think he is dead-on

  • Listener

    That's a good question Data Dog. "Are they losing faith?" They are certainly demonstrating it in their grab for more power. When they (the GB) are looking at themselves they would have to ask if they are still recieving blessings from God and asking themselves how the holy spirit is being displayed amongst them.

  • jam

    And why are there a large number of JW's dealing

    with mental problems, this is why.

    They are scaring the bejesus out of the RF.

    My JW family members are so paranoid, it's becoming a concern

    for the rest of the non-JW family members.

    It use to be, they are weird but now they are completely nuts.

    We have heard this gloom and doom crap for over 50 years, please

    give us a break.

  • John_Mann

    The portuguese version does not appear the last "human" part. Only appears the strategic standpoint. The portuguese translators found the statement too absurd. The house is divided.

    (3) Nessa época, receberemos orientaçõe da organização de Jeová que salvarão nossa vida, embora talvez não pareçam práticas do ponto de vista humano. Todos nós devemos estar prontos para obedecer a quaisquer orientações que recebamos, quer pareçam fazer sentido de um ponto de vista estratégico, quer não.

    The italian version it's very different (no mention of strategic or human standpoint at all):

    Tutti dovremo essere pronti a seguirle, per quanto strane possano sembrarci, perché è solo così che potremo avere salva la vita.

    Everyone should be ready to follow them, however strange they may seem, because it is the only way that we can save our life.

  • Dagney

    I think it's to keep people from leaving. They have always scared people into thinking if they disobey, then they are birdfood.

    Remember when they said you can't miss a meeting because during "the persecution" (TM) you will only learn where the next meeting is from the previous meeting. And if you go to the wrong place, bad things happen...prison and death I believe were the consequences. Losing your life because you didn't obey...that's what it's all about.


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