Yes a JW calling himself "Mr Big Picture" is trying to say it is simply due to "imperfection"...Hmmmm we've heard that one before haven't we??? Here is what he wrote, and my responses to him thus far:
Mr Big Picture (In response to Gojira)
I am sorry that you feel this way as a former witness you should know very well that when you walk into a Kingdom Hall you can not tell who are the elders from the publishers nor do they lord it over the congregation. However with that being said some may allow it to go to their head their position. That is called imperfection, just like we all are but for the most part all the elders are humble well respected citizens and spiritual leaders. It is sad to see that when ones are disciplined or disgruntled they tell half truths. I think you and every one should hold JUDGEMENT until you get the WHOLE story.
Mr Big Picture- The argument that it is only one or two imperfect men doing these things no longer works, as this is a systemic problem within the JW movement, not a local one of limited scope. WT Society policies intentionally shield offenders, as evidenced by the internal letters they have sent out to JW elders as well as the secret elder handbook that the elders are issued. Unless there are "two witnesses" to the abuse then they remain silent and the abuser goes on his merry way. Candace Conti was recently awarded many millions of dollars in a court of law over this issue.
The Big Picture
Thank you seriously for your reply because only if we talk about it openly can you get true information. I use to be an Elder for 10 years the "secret green book" you speak of is only for the elders but it is nothing special and you may even find it on ebay or at garage But there is nothing earth shattering or secretive but it's how it's used like the Bible, some people can read it and benefit, other's use it as a coaster or a show piece but if it is used skillfully it can benefit many. There is not a systemic problem as a matter of fact go to a number of congregations find an elder because they do not stand out with robes, hats, etc... and ask different ones what is their policy regarding reporting sexual abuse of any kind. I guarantee you will get the same answer. The two witness scriptural citation is a valid teaching however when it comes to this type of a serious matter, NO. Please read the context around the scripture to get a better understanding. The policies with headquarters are set to assist any victim in a loving way. There are imperfect men & women in the organization, just like any so I'm not saying this did not happen I do not have all the details, nor does any one but I hope as all witnesses hope that justice is done. But until then let's not cast a stone a the people or the organization until we have all the facts.
I have heard more than one elder say that their secret handbook is "just a book" and contains nothing "secret". I've never heard it compared to the Bible though, which I find reprehensible. It is WAY more than just a book to them, and contains things like a loophole on how an elder can confess to fornication after hiding it for several years and be forgiven without the congregation ever knowing and he can retain his elder position. That is found on page 38 if you would like to check it out for yourself. The most recent elder book is called the Shepherd book and elders usually refer to it as "KS10" since it came out in 2010. You are sincere Mr just don't have all the pieces of the puzzle that is obvious. The WT Society also had a governing body member that was twice accused of molestation, and he was quietly dismissed in 1984. Shame on WT for covering these things up, it is disgusting.
Like many sincere JWs, he is ignorant of what his OWN organization teaches and practices.