Attention Watchtower Purchasing Department: Time to increase your paper stockpile...

by Calebs Airplane 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Attn: Watchtower Purchasing Department

    I just wanted to share this gem I recently came across in the Denver Post:

    The North American paper industry is in rapid decline. Mills have let go thousands of workers and are competing for a shrinking market. A mill in Sartell, Minn., that closed this year after a Memorial Day explosion was the latest to go dark.

    "It's kind of disheartening," said Jim Skurla, an economist at the University of Minnesota at Duluth. "Paper's never going to disappear, but it's going to be smaller than it has been."

    River towns in the forest from eastern Washington to the coast of Maine have lost more than 100 paper mills in a wave of consolidation in little more than a decade — a trend most people in the industry expect to continue. Wisconsin has lost nine paper mills since 2005.

    North American demand for three types of coated and supercalendared paper — shiny magazine and advertising paper — has fallen 21 percent in the past decade, according to the Pulp and Paper Products Council.

    Kindles and iPads, e-mail, PDFs, the decline of first-class mail, and waning newspaper and magazine circulations are all to blame. Analysts predict demand will fall at least another 18 percent by 2024.

    The shift is forcing paper mills and mill towns to rethink their future. To survive, they will need to find new products to make out of wood.

    Now this is very telling, since low demand usually means much higher prices... It's no wonder you guys are selling off printing assets around the world... you're really just cutting your losses before the tower finally collapses in the next 2 or 3 decades... good luck with that...

  • RayPublisher

    Interesting story CA- definitely gonna hit WT in the wallet.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    Now this is very telling, since low demand usually means much higher prices... It's no wonder you guys are selling off printing assets around the world... you're really just cutting your losses before the tower finally collapses in the next 2 or 3 decades... good luck with that...

    I don't think its going to take 2 or 3 decades its all about the internet now!

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane


    Actually, I should rephrase that last part... I meant to say that low SUPPLY usually means higher prices... but you all know what I mean...

    If paper mills are shutting down because of Kindle and iPads, the WT will probably need to supply each JW with these devices or look for alternative sources of revenue... Otherwise the Rothschild family may just pull the plug cold-turkey and be done with the Watchtower Corporation...

  • eyeuse2badub

    They're way ahead of this---the crafty old buzzards. The 8 Poops, I mean Popes are not dumb when bucks are involved. Why do you think the magazines are now only 16 pages and they publish online litereature. Someday the printed page will only be necessary in business and legal transactions. and even those may be relegated to digital.

  • jgnat

    Supply the publishers and pioneers with Kindles and iPads? Heck, no. They will allow them the privelege of buying their own. Based on hours of service, of course.

  • haboob48

    sure they would would be called the Swindle! or the jehovahpad! where you can get watchertower literature and porn! but thats it! lol I am just kidding here folks! (swindle has another meaning by the way!)


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    jgnat: "Supply the publishers and pioneers with Kindles and iPads? Heck, no. They will allow them the privelege of buying their own. Based on hours of service, of course."

    I have a better idea.

    Make their own tablet, running JWOS, able to only access "approved" websites. Then order about 5 million units at Foxconn in China for about 100 bucks a piece and them STRONGLY suggest each publisher purchase one at the discount price of $999.99.

    And since this is an one off business deal, maybe sweeten it with a monthly subscription to the latest WT garbage at, say, $49.99.

    Steve Jobs could have only dreamed of such a scenario....

  • jgnat

    That would work. After all China has its own web and sees no need to share in the www.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    " After all China has its own web and sees no need to share in the www."

    Jgnat networks are like newspapers grow or die. Its just like any other evolutionary principal.

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