......or does it seem the GB is setting up the faithful for a big change on something. Seems like nowadays every other thing coming off the platform is saying hey we are the only one approved to speak for god and not liking any change we pronounce is your problem not gods.
Is it me?
by 5go 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
like 75when so many were caught up and sold up then had to start again when it didint happen
Nothing makes people hunker down and cling on to the familiar, than the woeful winds of change.
Narcissistic Supply
New Yaught. It's a New Yaught. We love this idea.
All the GB keep saying is OBEY US or you are evil apostates.
Are they planning to dump the 1914 teaching ?
Everything they come out with is to OBEY THEM and hate apostates (I.E. ANYONE who stops attending meetings or thinks. )
Oh, for the good old days when "Christendom" was the enemy.
The Searcher
@ 5GO = ......or does it seem the GB is setting up the faithful for a big change on something.
My sentiments exactly, when I read the November 15th Watchtower 2013 at JW.ORG.
Read Page 20, par 17, section 3 - "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive,[from the WTBTS] whether these appear..........sound or not."
"Get ready for fleecing" ( the wool shorn from a sheep at one shearing) came to mind!
The Searcher
'Listen, obey, and be fleeced' - it's got a nice ring to it!
Remember they constantly get feedback from the CO level on what is happening in the halls. Since they are reactive instead of proactive, you see the results in the literature and at the assemblies. Sounds like the things that are problems are porn, apostasy, and higher education.
Higher education and apostasy are their biggest problems. These take people out and they never go back. Or if they do go its only for family and they don't donate a red cent to them.
They also have no ideas. All of their old prophecies have been proven wrong by time, and the new guys don't have an original though in their brains (overlapping generations, FDS=GB). Its truly making it up as they go along. But every time you "make up" a new lie to cover an old one, you inadvertently wake up a few witnesses. So you can't reform too much at a time. That is why they are too scared to really address big elephants in the room like 1914 or blood, that might rock the boat a little too much.
So its this same old song. Obey us. Do more. Obey us. Do more. Quit looking at porn. Don't listen to apostates.
Its blantant once you have the blinders off, but to those in its just Thursday night or Sunday morning.
Lost - Don't forget single sisters/brothers marrying out of the ORG. That one is came up during the DC and will be up again soon in the watchtower.