Not dumb....just afraid. He couldn't handle the fear that arose when he read something that caused him to wonder if his current beliefs are based in accuracy. Be patient with him. He's had a peek behind the curtain and didn't like the implications of what he saw.
Wow! My brother is just too dumb for words....
by Witness My Fury 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness My Fury
You are correct of course, on reflection I can see myself reacting in a similar mind controlled way if presented with the same information. JWs are conditioned to trust Mother and to distrust all others.
I have probably just forgotten how far I have come mentally in the last 4 years and am then shocked by the unthinking mind of the typical JW.
I agree with xyz. It is very scary to start to question everything you ever learned.
There are some threads here I have not opened because I know I am not ready yet. Some of the things I never even heard about before.....607 bc being the wrong date is one. Sorry not ready yet. Just getting used to the thought that I was in a cult all my life.
Just admitted to myself that the flood might not be literal.
Give your brother a is a lot to take in.
Witness My Fury
607 is why I left Missy, once that is debunked then the whole edifice comes tumbling down...
OH YEAH? The last time I talked to my brother(Bout 2 yrs ago) He pointed at his 2yr old daughter playing on the floor and said "If she dies because she can't get a blood transfusion, OH WELL!!!" and he shrugged his shoulders.
Then I asked him what the red stuff was that drips from a steak when you eat it. He said "Red Juice"........ Need I say more?
So my dear friend, My brother is dumb just like yours. Anyone who willingly chooses to be ignorant, Is just plain dumb in my opinion
Doesn't it make you just wanna smash his face in??? I wish I woulda given him more beat downs when we were kids.... Not that I wouldn't do it now if I had the chance, just for old times sake
truthhurts- lmao....I get a kick out of the 'meat juices' as well.
He pointed at his 2yr old daughter playing on the floor and said "If she dies because she can't get a blood transfusion, OH WELL!!!" and he shrugged his shoulders.
That is astonishing and creepy. How could he be so lackadaisical about his own child's life?
Although the horse would not drink, at least it knows where the water is now :)
Not dumb, just stubborn.-Julia
I agree with Julia, if we love our family and help them to learn TTATT we need to show love and patience.
WMF, It's been a few months have you tried reasoning with him again?
Love Kate xx
Witness My Fury
Not really had the chance to, I forced it at our last meeting by tacking it on out of the blue as they were about to leave.
I just didnt want it left in the air, but I think they just want to avoid thinking about anything or talking about anything that may upset their world view. Here's the gist of it:
I said "you are going to hate me for bringing this up, but ...... you do know what a coregent is dont you?"
Him (+wife) "yes, two kings ruling together"
Me " so if someone is coregent for 10 years and then king for 45 years how many years has he reigned for 45 or 55?"
Them - blank stares, wondering wtf am i on about, " 45 years" seem very unsure so i repeat the question again
Them - similar answers, wife contadicts him.
Me " They are both correct answers as it depends on the context, it's true to say he ruled 45 or 55 years ... you didnt bother to look it up did you when you read that book, I just wanted you to know."
This was one of the points he made a postit note of in my book, the book said one figure the insight book said the other, but he hadnt bothered to ask why the difference. I wanted him to know that both are correct, not either / or.
Wife gets sarcastic saying "Ooookaaaay" probably because she doesnt even know why I even brought it up, my brother knows why and remains quiet.
They leave. I know I am losing them to mind control.