Credit goes to Doug Mason . .2013 How Can You Have a Happy Life? . (This brochure was published for Jewish readers in mind). The site is a JW site and I think one page is missing. (Study 13), but everything else is there. . . . Atlantis
2013 How Can You Have a Happy Life?
by Atlantis 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks Atlantis and Doug.
bats in the belfry
Section 4 − Although the scrolls were written more than 2,000 years ago, they differ very little from one another and from the traditional Hebrew text in use today. “None of these variations affects the scriptural message itself,” notes Dead Sea Scrolls scholar Geza Vermes.
When will they (WTBTS) stop picking sentences?
For what was really said you need to read the context also:
Thanks Atlantis!
label licker
Notice they stayed away from how the nation of Israel are now a spiritual nation? Nothing on the 144,000 or fds. They will laugh their faces off when they see gods name with the letter J instead of Y. Or where they quote Matthew 5:17,18. How Jesus came to fulfill the Law(to make rich) and NOT to destroy the Law. For truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one smallest letter or one particle of a letter pass away from the Law.
Has heaven and earth passed away yet? NO! So obviously the Law or any letter of it would not pass away. Why would it? It came from Yehovah. The Law was perfect. It was man that distorted it and it was Yeshuah who had to come to teach it over again. And once again he will have to come to teach it. Last warning to all of mankind. This magasine is an insult and a joke.
When I asked for a copy of it the elders said it wasn't for everyone at the DC. I asked why and they said there was a shortage and they were told it would be online if we wanted one. That didn't make sense. Did any of you who went to the DC recieve your own personal copy?
Re: 2013 How Can You Have a Happy Life?
Written by unhappy old men running a Corporation based on a delusion, struggleing against reality, desparate for the inihilation of 99.9% of the human spacies. How ironic is that?
Why was there a shortage of copies at the DC? Are they printing far fewer of the convention releases and limiting who gets a copy?
Something is very wrong if that is the case.
Brochures cost about 10 cents to print. They could not print enough copies for everyoone?
label licker
That's what I was told by the elders. This brochure wasn't meant to be handed out to everyone at the Dc since there was a shortage. He said to see a copy of it we had to download it off the internet. I wouldn't want one now after reading it. Society thinks they are a know it all on every religion out there. WBTS haven't a clue on their own beliefs, how could they possibly know anything about the other persons beliefs?????
Bunch of dimwits!!!!!!!!
Narcissistic dictators have never stood out for their equal treatment of others.
I'm curious, all of my relatives (except for my jw brother) are Jewish. I'd like to have a copy of it. This is the second time they have produced a brochure speciffically for Jewish readers.
My relatives would not read anything published by a Christian organization but I'd like to have a copy.
I guess it will be available for congregations to request copies in October.