I asked first it appears. Please answer.
jwfacts or jwinterpretations?
by slimboyfat 118 Replies latest jw friends
I read it in a book once called Nietsche for the perplexed, or something like that, and it claimed Nietzsche has the biggest readership of any philosopher by far, including Foucault believe it or not.
Comatose: you dont get it, sbf is entitled to make every-day assertions and use the language like normal people do. other people however...
I just looked it up, apparently that's true with the exception of Marx, who is referenced more often than Nietzsche.
bohm that's not how I see it at all.
Sbf: sorry, but you keep asserting that this and this is a fact on other threads, and then you complain paul call his site jwfacts. You are not consistent in the navel-gazing
Sbf: just to make my point clear, i know you will say that what you call facts elsewhere are actually your oppinion or interpretation and you just call them facts; the thing is you are not being that generous with others, for instance your recent idea to nag paul.
I am not complaining, it's a great site, I just wonder sometimes about the starkness of the "facts" claim, as if there is only one legitimate way of looking at JWs. I agree with most if not everything I've read on Paul's site, and imagine it's a very useful resource for very many people. I just baulk (slightly) at the perhaps implied suggestion that there is only one true way to look at JWs. I think other ways are possible.
Paul's site JWfacts.com is an excellent site, and I think the name is very good too, it can be a draw to an inquisitive JW, "Let's see if these facts are correct".
Once the articles are read , they cannot be forgotten, or disproved.
No changes are needed to the best site on the Net for finding out the truth, the real truth, about what JW's ironically call "the truth".
SBF - Is there a link betweem your inability to affirm anything as true or false and your ongoing association with the cult?
Is there a link between your supreme confidence in science to provide ultimate answers and your association with the cult?