Which JWs do you think actually feel confident that they would survive Armageddon if it came tomorrow? GB members? Bethelites? JWs who profess to be anointed? District Overseers? Circuit Overseers? Elders? Ministerial Servants? Pioneers? What percentage of average, active JWs? What do you think?
How Many JWs Are Confident They Are Worthy?
by Ding 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think there would be very few.
Inducing anxiety is an important part of the strategy.
Only the sociopaths, so most of them probably.
That's a great question, I'm not sure it's possible to answer because unless you are very close to a JW they're not likely to admit that they are unsure, as it's a tacit admission that they are 'sinning' in some way, and confessing as much can harm your social standing as a JW.
I have an unprovable theory that not one JW believes they are good enough, if not constantly than at least some of the time. I got to MS level and I cannot remember a time when I did not think I was going to die at Armageddon.
What about the arrogant types, particularly the type of COs and elders who seem to enjoy lording it over the flock and making everyone else squirm? Do you think they are Pharisee types who think Jehovah should be grateful he has them on his team... or are they deep down really insecure?
This very subject really caught me off guard the other night.
My friend just asked me if I believed I was assured of my salvation. I responded, "of course!"
His response, "Well then you don't need me... or any church... or ANYBODY THEN! Why do you even bother going to church?" He demanded to know. I told him that he was right. I loved him, but that I would not be looking to him for salvation.
I've read that in JW theology, there's no salvation guarantee but to hear the notion fall from the lips of a person you care about is hard. He's working himself silly to gain approval. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that this notion is a key motivator to this acceptance of slavery.
I have a lot more confidence than my JW husband. He hasn't the heart to tell me I don't qualify, not to mention his tenuous grip on the "promise".