If even Jesus Christ Himself and other people in the Bible did not addressed God using His name Jehovah, why should we?
Anyone in the Bible addressed God as "Jehovah"?
by UBM101 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How could they , the name Jehovah wasnt invented untill the 13th century of our common era.
There are endless arguments, literally endless because we cannot prove it one way or the other, as to whether anyone in the 1st century uttered the "Name" in any way, apart from the High Priest, who spoke it within the Holy of Holys of the Temple, just once a year if I recall.
Those arguments apart, you make a good point, the WT says Jesus is our Leader and Exemplar. He is not shown in any extant manuscript as using the Name, so, he does not do so in any proper Translation, and so, neither should JW's use it, they have no mandate.
Even Abraham didnt address yahweh or jehovah by either names or anything remotely close. Ex 3 tells us he knew "god" as el shaddai. the truth is there are many gods in the OT, the names change but the greedy priests who want a monopoly on collections never change their priorities.
Rutherford inherited the use, or overuse, of Jehovah from Russell, who probably favoured its use to combat any Trinitarian ideas.
I am sure with Rutherford that what mP says applies : " but the greedy priests who want a monopoly on collections never change their priorities."
The use of the name, and actually bearing the name, made Rutherfords followers different, so made his brand of religion more saleable, it is always about the money with the W.T.
I don't even address my parents by their first names lol
In my culture, addressing a superior by his/her name is RUDE and disrespectful
Rose Mary
God’s servants did not use the name JEHOVAH which means HE CAUSED TO BECOME—may be because of its obvious connection with EVOLUTION THEORY—that says matter BECAME one-celled organism, then they BECAME this, and this BECAME that .... and that BECAME this .... finally BECAME homo sapiens
Those poor ancient jews had no idea about evolution. they invented jehovah and their othter gods to explain what they did not understand. sure the priests were liars and scumbags, but dont lie about them.
Rosemary - i suggest you do some research on the name je-hova and what it really translates as.