Peace and Security - When?

by rhodesboy 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rhodesboy

    My interpretation of GB (Governing Body) theology has illuminated a fate for mankind in the near future. I invite you to read the following extracts and my analysis thereafter- theologists only please.

    1 Thessalonians 5:3

    ''Whenever it is that they are saying: "Peace and security!" then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape''

    Daniel chapter 11

    40"And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through.41 He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration, and there will be many [lands] that will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand, E′dom and Mo′ab and the main part of the sons of Am′mon.42 And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee.43 And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Lib′yans and the Ethio′pians will be at his steps.

    it-2 pp. 1103-1104: The Time of The End

    An expression found six times in the book of Daniel. It refers to a time period marking the conclusion of a system of things and culminating in its destruction (1914 - ?)

    In light of the recent Watchtower November 15 th 2013 edition many of us may remember the days when we tried to make sense of the 'peace and security' prophecy. It just didn't make sense - at least not to me. The nations attaining peace through human means appeared to undermine the purpose of God's kingdom - not to mention given the current state of world affairs this seems highly unlikely...or does it?

    Pay Attention To Daniel's Prophecy (1999) outlined the role played by the King of The South and North respectively. I interpret Daniel 11:40 slightly differently to the GB. Verse 40 describes not only the past (World wars and cold war) but the present and the future. Have you watched the news lately? A resurgent Russia is engaging in some diplomatic spats over spies and issues that affect Russian interests. Russia recently mobilised 160 000 troops (nothing like this has been seen since the Soviet era) on her Far east border and she is spending more on her military - she is still the King of the North!

    I'm not going to entertain a debate on alternate roles for the King of the North - follow my train of thought here. Based on the above definition of the time of the end it can be said that the ''pushing ''between the Kings of the North and South continues to this day (USA has threatened Russia with political consequences over Snowden scandal among other things). Therefore it stands to reason if the pushing has not stopped then the retaliation that occurred in WW1 and WW2 - ''will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through''- when the King of the North invaded Europe and the middle east is not over. What am I getting at?

    Russia will go to war with the West. I'm not the first to suggest this - geopolitical analysts have suggested that the crisis in Syria and the Middle East in general could provoke a global conflict between Russia and the USA. The exact nature of this conflict will be revealed in time but make no mistake it will cause political and social instability not seen since the 1940's. The global economy will suffer and the United Nations may establish a strategic presence (UN troops or armies with UN backing) in Europe and the Middle East. No nuclear annihilation will occur but the UN will have a role in brokering a peace deal. This war will end peacefully - at what cost to human and material infrastructure remains to be seen. This is the ''peace and security'' proclamation.

    All the while the wild beast looks at the Harlot (her trillions in assets in the form of property and money); economically things were bad before the war - now they are worse. Liquidation of those assets becomes a possible solution to save the global economy, the world - the only solution. This is how you destroy organised religion - take their temples and their wealth and use it as collateral for the banks that you are indebted to.

    May the passage of time prove me wrong - I dare you...

  • Chaserious

    This is all assuming that "the time of the end" is referring to the 21st century, which doesn't seem to be based on any plausible evidence. It also calls for the assumption that the King of the North in Daniel is any more real than the King of the North in Game of Thrones.

  • confusedandalone

    It also supposes that the bible was written/inspired by "God"

    Why didn't GOD just tell you who the King of the North and South where instead of making us go through a bunch of guesswork like a funch of bucking jackwagons. After all he named Cyrus right?!?!?! or not but whatever.


    May the passage of time prove me wrong - I dare you...

    So your going to Beat the Crap.. Your a..

    Out of a Clock?.. Brave Man!..

    ....................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • transhuman68

    Finding a modern interpretation of ancient texts may be a way to find meaning in a world that seems chaotic, but unfortunately it doesn't work, and never has. People like Paul and 'Daniel' wrote to find meaning for their place and time- but it is a mistake to conclude that they were interested in the future 2.000 years away. Our future is a blank page- as it always has been throughout history.

  • jgnat

    Russia will not go to war with the United States. There. Said it.

    In Matthew 24:37-38, people will be eating, drinking, and marrying right up to the day of calamity. Just as they are starting to relax saying "peace and security", everything goes to heck in a handbasket. Hubby uses this as "evidence" that the end is nearer.

    When have people stopped eating, drinking, and marrying? When they do, they die off (Essenes, Quakers, Shakers). These verses rather should be interpreted as "people will be going on, business as usual, when calamity strikes."

    Which pretty sums up every calamity we have ever had.

  • Laika


    Instead of trying to make the bible's apocalyptic literature like Daniel & Revelation fit a specific time frame, have you tried looking at the genre it was written in and understanding its purpose?

    They tend to be written during times of great oppression (tribulation!) for God's people (Antiochus in Daniel, Roman Empire in Revelation) and are designed to comfort those living through such times by explaining that God is sovereign and in control, the Kings of the Earth will come and go, but God will last forever and have victory.

    This way, we can understand the books in a way that still makes sense to the original authors.

  • friendaroonie

    ; I am so convinced! Where do I sign up?

  • RubaDub

    ''will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through''-

    I own stock in an Italian company that makes cruise ships and another that makes chariots and they have both risen about 20% in the past two years.

    Something must be up. The chariot company seems particulary bullish on its earnings estimates for 2014.

    Rub a Dub

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers


    Thank you for your effort. I appreciate when I see someone strive to make sense of the Bible.

    I am a theologist. However, I will not attempt to interpret portions of the Bible written thousands of years ago in a language that is either dead or on the decline. Theologians the world over have tried to make modern day application of ancient texts. Most of them are skilled in the ancient languages and thus can understand the nuance and grammatical tone and texture of the original. Yet, with all that training and understanding, most would say that the portion of Daniel to which you refer is applicable to an ancient world and a modern-day interpretation is replete with bias and a miopic sense of history as well as an overinflated egocentrism.

    As for a war with Russia? Well, having lived through the Cuban missile crisis, I can assure you that if Russia wanted to take the U.S. to war and blow each other off the map, that would have happened back in 1962. Today, the world is interdependent and the rise of capitalism and the fact that the powers that be are benefitting from both a freer drug trade and commodities markets leads me to believe that all out war is not on the horizon, too much money is made with the illegal sale of arms to skirmish groups and fanatical organizations to worry about a major power rebuilding its arsenal. At present, a country is typically more concerned with their neighbors than they are with someone on the other side of the globe.

    Just a thought,


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