I went with some coworkers to a bar and got very wasted. Has anybody else experienced blacked out drunkess.
by d 19 Replies latest jw friends
.15 -Balance and movement are impaired. At this BAC level the equivalent of half a pint of whiskey is circulating in the blood stream. .15-.25 -Most people experience blackouts .30 -Loss of consciousness .40 -Complete unconsciousness and potentially fatal .45+ -Breathing stop. A fatal dose for most. -
finally awake
yes, I've been that drunk before, when I was a teenager. I recommend not doing that again - especially around people you work with. Drinking to the point of blacking out is really not healthy - just like eating to the point you are in pain would be.
Excellent work
drunkess ? drunkette?
passing out is not fun. you could aspirate vomit and choke to death. Happens quite often.
I have been right royally pissed in my time, quite often, but never to the point of passing out or the next day not remembering what I had done.
I did some silly,and some strange things whilst drunk, but never to the point of endangering my life.
Be senssible in future, get happy, but stay safe, and learn to spell drunkeness.
Or were you bladdered when you wrote the Title ? LOL
I have been right royally pissed in my time, quite often, but never to the point of passing out or the next day not remembering what I had done.
I did some silly,and some strange things whilst drunk, but never to the point of endangering my life.
Be senssible in future, get happy, but stay safe, and learn to spell drunkeness.
Or were you bladdered when you wrote the Title ? LOL
P.S sorry about the double post, too many 5.4% Beers!
Sorry no I was sober writing this I just mispelled the word. I have learned my lesson well and will not do it again. yeah I felt like I went to hell the next day. But I snapped out of it.
dazed but not confused
Has anybody else experienced blacked out drunkess.
Yes. In the 7 years I drank from 20 to 27 I can't even begin to count how many times I got black out drunk. I would rarely remember what I said or did from the night before. Mrs. Dazed thought I was just using excuses.
I never passed out anywhere weird. I would pass out minutes after hitting the pillow. It was one of many reasons I sobered up. I can't stop once I start. I couldn't even be satisfied with a 6 pack alone. It will be 3 years of sobriety for me in December.
I was sober writing this I just mispelled the word
So then, what is the correct spelling for "drunkess"?
and by the way you misspelled the word mispelled.