I am back from Bakersfield and I can say it was the best District Convention ever! The End is coming soon, a few of the Annointed were speaking about 2014 possibly being the year that Jehovah would destroy all the hateful Apostates! The focus of this Convention was not on love or the message of the Good News of the Kingdom. Can you imagine the Watchtower teaching a simple book like "Pilgrims Journey" by Bunyan? The Annointed don't have those burdens of sins because Jesus is their mediator and the rest of the seven million don't have Jesus as their mediator. It's called "trickle down mediation" and eventually that sacrifice of Jesus Christ will drip off the Annointed and land on a few of the highly productive Witnesses who are crawling, limping, jogging or running in place, and if we get off it for a rest, they guilt us to climb back on that perpetual treadmill of spiritual activity lovingly provided by the Faithful Slave.
I overheard a conversation with some of the weaker witnesses that can't understand that we must hate Apostates like we hate Satan the Devil! Why do Apostates have to ruin our Assemblies or why are they constantly mentioned and why do we need to be beaten up with non stop mention of their misdeads? The speakers went on and on and rambled that we should not be malingering around Apostate websites because they can be tricky and lead you into a spiritual black-hole. Now, it might seem strange that I ask questions here but where else can I get some answers that make sense? Jesus said that we must "love our enemies and pray for them" did he not? Why does the Watchtower teach people who leave the Watchtower need to be treated like radioactive waste or like they have been exposed to the Ebola Virus? We are to run from these agents of destruction who have been judged as unworthy of Jehovah's love and Jesus Christ's ransom. Most of us are not covered under Jesus Ransom sacrifice, that little gem of truth remains hidden because it might scare some of the people who read their Bible and can't reconcile "hating your enemey" and "spiritually stonning someone who does not accept the Governing Body as your personal Saviour." Apostates try to reveal the small misdeads the Organization has done, they enjoy picking on all those scabs and crazy doctrines drunk and mentally ill Presidents had revealed to them. Russell had said we were better off without a Bible if we had his "Study in the Scriptures", Rutherford said that "All Organized Religion is from Satan the Devil" yet we talk about how we are the greatest Organized Religion on Earth? Franz and Rutherford said that Jesus was not the Mediator of all mankind, he is only able to help with 7500 annointed and the rest who claim to be annointed are not annointed because it's highly likely they are not mentally stable according to many of the brothers I talked to. The growth of the annointed is scaring the Organization because Jehovah told them that he had already used up his 144,000 tickets by 1939, that number was sealed for good! Now we have a new group in our Kingdom Hall to despise, brothers and sisters who claim they are of the annointed! We are good at judging and hating our fellows, nobody knows the pain and suffering we endure by dealing with all of the whacko Witnesses who claim to be something they are not!
Jehovah's Witnesses naturally know how to hate, it's the loving part that we do not know how to do. We can preach and do "drive by" field service, volunteer our time and monies yet we are not a loving group of people. I think that is what draws me to the Organization, I do not like people very much and I hate field service even more. I think that is why we are called Jehovah's Witnesses because Christians are suppose to love their enemies and pray for those persecuting them. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we are allowed to hate those who leave us and speak ill of the Organization. The more I read the Bible, the more I am learning our religion is not a Bible based religion or we would not be so quick to judge, to find fault or walk by that Jew who was beaten up on the road to Jerusalem while a Mormon or Born-againer dressed up their wounds and took care of them. The teachings we preach to the public are not the teachings we keep to ourselves in private or talk about behind closed doors.
Nothing was mentioned at the District Assembly about helping make the World a better place. The fact is that people are really stupid to work at Food Banks, helping soldiers deal with PTSD, working with a suicide hot-line or helping with anything that makes this World a better place until Jehovah Returns It's frowned upon to help the homeless or Hobos, it's best to provide them with a Watchtower or a new book like the Revelation Book that's in the works. Jesus did not tell us to help the poor or the needy, he said he wanted us to place as much literature as possible and hate Apostates, Jesus said to Hate those who are disagreeing with you and I, your Aunt Connie live to hate everyone including all the useless weak and poor Witnesses that don't have a job or take medication for mental illness, I hate them too!