Why do the JW's Cover up child abuse?
by slam 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
To avoid legal liability. Funny thing, it's not working. In fact, their policies are beginning to bite them in their ASSets.
Karma's a bitch!
Newly Enlightened
I was always told, so that it doesn't bring reproach to Jehovah's name.
But in reality what is it doing now that all of these are being exposed? Making it worse and damaging kids. I recently heard that Zalkin has 10 other abuse cases he's filed.
They are not who they say they are and child abuse powerfully exposes this.
Once again in their own words:
*** g95 4/22 p. 6 Are We Living in the Last Days? ***
“Having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power.”—2 Timothy 3:5.
Bible truth has the power to change lives. (Ephesians 4:22-24) But some of the most ungodly acts take place under the veil of religion. A tragic example is the sexual abuse of children by the clergy.
According to The New York Times, a lawyer in the United States “says he has 200 cases pending in 27 states on behalf of clients who say they were molested by priests.” Truly, any form or pretense of godly devotion these clergymen display is exposed as mere hypocrisy by their wicked works.
Whitewashed graves.
Appearance is more important than reality.
Narcissistic Supply
ignorant and delusional.
Hello to all,
This is something that I have kept bottled up for years, but now is time to air it out. I am a 40 year old male that lives in Atlanta, GA now. I was born in Panama City, FL and was born into the JW family. As a young child I was forced to attend the meetings at the local Kingdom Hall from birth to 14 years old. My father devoiced my birth mother and remarried a JW from AZ when I was 5 years old, and the HELL started immediately thereafter and lasted 10 years till they divorced. The “elders” ignored this and swept it under the carpet in 4 different halls. Let me explain.
Before my father married this woman, I cannot recall a time that my father ever laid a hand on any of his 5 children. That being said, the “punishment” started the very day that he introduced his children to this women and her 2 boys. As a child we were required, by her, to serve her and her 2 boys hand and foot, this woman did not work outside the home. We were slaves in our own home. Her children were treated as kings. Punishment for minor infractions was swift. We relocated to her home state of Arizona and were introduced to the 7 th level of HELL. She said that this move was to get closer to her family. We later found out it was to hide us from our birth mother. Our step-mother brained washed most of my siblings into believing our mother was wicked and we could not even speak to her because she was dis-fellowshipped. We even considered her very name a bad or four letter word in the house hold.
While living in AZ, we had to continue as slaves and the punishments got worse. We were spanked, beat and flogged. The tools of these beatings were leather belts, dog leashes, sticks, fishing poles, boards, automotive engine belts, ect .I still to this day have scares from these beatings. I remember her breaking a coffee pot over my head for accidently braking a glass while doing dishes. If she felt the beatings were not enough we had other “punishments” such as going without food (sometimes for days) being sent to our bed to reflect on our actions (sometimes for days) , forced to go without sleep, and writing just to name a few. The writing consisted of coping word for word the Watchtower, Awake, what the JW’s call Bible and other JW books. She said these punishments would make better JW’s out of us. We were LOCKED outside to “play” all day with very little water, if any at all and no food during summer breaks from school. Phoenix, AZ is not pleasant outdoors in July.
Included with the physical abuse was mental abuse. We would never be as good as her 2 hellion children. I was 4 grades above her oldest child and an A honor roll student. She held me back in kindergarten, in 6 th grade and 7 th grade so he could catch up with me. Any achievements we had, were not good enough. My oldest sister was “FATTENED” at the age of 14 from about 100 lbs to over 275 lbs by being forced to eat Butter and drink beer. The step-mother did this because boys were starting to look at her. She (my sister) later ran away at the age of 15 (with the help of my father).
We moved back to FL and still no change. She forced my oldest brother to drop out of school in the 7 th grade so he could get a job. Once he had a job she removed him from the home and placed in a beat up old camper on the other side of town to live. The beatings and other punishments continued for the other 3 of us still in the home. I finally had enough at the age of 14 and tried to run away, but was caught by the police and returned. I was trying to get to Atlanta, GA were I knew I could find my birth mother. Keep in mind my birth mother had no idea where her children were. Punishment for this infraction was horrible.
My father finally removed us from the home and divorced this women. He later told me it was because he could not stand to see his children being abused like this and she was planning to do same to me as she did my oldest brother, make me drop out of school, get a job and then move me out at the age of 14.
I did reunite with my mother later in my 14 th year. She had endlessly tried to find us over the last 10 years. She called the kingdom halls in Bay county FL to get information from the “brothers’ of our where abouts, but they would not tell her anything. They knew of the abuse. They knew we moved to AZ but protected this woman.
This is just a taste of my childhood. I should write a book. I do not wish any ill will against my step family or the “brothers” that knew of these things. This is because I put my trust and faith in Jesus Christ and his Word. I just pray that the Holy Spirit works in all their lives and they see the Grace of Christ and turn from there evil ways.
Slam, wow! What a horrific story. I'm sorry you had to endur all this, but I'm glad you're out and reunited with your real mother.
I hope sharing this has in some way helped you to heal. Welcome to JWN and the rest of your life.
Slam, A heart breaking story. It must have taken courage to post this. I had a step father who was abusive, but your story goes beyond anything I experienced. Thank-you for sharing your story.