has shunning been downplayed?

by chickpea 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zoos

    I've been confused by this too.

    About a year ago I bumped in to an uber pioneer/MS at the store and he was very pleasant and chatty. Last week, my wife reported that she saw him and his wife at another store and they were just as talkative and sent home a "hello" for me.

    I think despite the tightening grip of the governing body, some Witnesses just aren't having it. Especially when they know the disassociation/disfellowshipping has nothing to do with wrong-doing.

  • stillin

    My daughter was DF'd and married a man not a witness. He told me once that half of my daughter's JW friends would talk to her but not to him, the other half would talk to him but not to her. And he says, "is that what they call love?"

    good question, I thought. What would his impression be if they only spoke with him and ignored her? People who have known his wife for much longer than he has, refusing to speak to her? He is certainly entitled to his observations and I have to agree, it is not love. Oh, sure, if she ever went back she would be love-bombed, but we all know how genuine that is! Where were they when she was "straying off?"

  • Kensei01

    I have been "inactive' for about 3 years now and have been experiencing pre emptive shunning like crazy. I am not df'd , da'd or anything, simply fading. They have been instructed to avoid all who do not go to meetings for whatever reason.

  • chickpea

    thanks for the spectrum of answers...

    i dont have any desire to become a resource person for anyone in the bOrg who has begun to think for themselves, other than to send them to JWFacts.com so i am not engaging in any conversations, and hurry thru the cursory greetings with all manner of overt indications that "i aint got time for this"

    i do have 2 xjw's in my circle, each of us having escaped on our own...

  • Gopher


    I don't know how close you are to the organization now, or where you got the idea that they didn't raise a hostile tone at the convention.

    However from the posts I read about their Saturday morning session, they had an entire talk devoted to the danger of "Human Apostates", and the language was quite hostile & nasty from what I read.

  • nonjwspouse

    In Denmark the WT is about to be taken to court for the hate speech about apostates, and "those who are in opposition"at their convention.

    That's a far cry from being a "mouse in a corner"

  • Gopher


    I just now read your introductory post - and welcome here. I can't imagine what it's like being married to a loyal JW while knowing that it's all a scam.

    It seems like you probably had to go to the convention. I haven't been to any since 2000, so I don't know with certainty the tone of what was expressed on Saturday morning. I can only judge by the title of the talk and some of the things that were said (as this talk is available to hear on YouTube).

    I do know that former members and especially so-called "apostates" have become the #1 enemy of Watchtowerism, even more hated than Satan himself. That's because the WT Society realizes that former members can expose the "truth" about "the truth" and influence current members whereas Satan is mainly just a concept / boogeyman.

  • BluesBrother

    Certainly no official let up in attitude to the d/f'd. especially the "2 John 9 & 10 class"... However, judging by the comments on here it is applied a lot more strictly in some places than others. Also, the r & f can sometimes be more flexible than the printed instructions tell them to be.

    They must have liked you


    I am sure they are chilling on the hate-speech after Denmark. I wonder how Denmark's representative at the UN and OSCE feels about that kind of talk? Why don't some locals send them some info? If the GB were real Christians, then they would not retract their statements that are supposedly from JEHOVAH(tm). Since they cannot fuction without the "mark", they have to play the game.

    Many dubs are sick of the DF'ing stance and treating people as sub-human/walking dead. That's why at the last CA our CO made such a racket over df'd ones. He ranted and raved about how YOU will be df'd too if you associate with DF'd ones. What a wack-job.

  • BU2B

    Shunning is NOT being downplayed by the WT, however many individual JWs DO associate with DF ones and I think the GB grip is weakening, and they know it. This will make them more desperate. I see JWs all the time on Facebook with DF friends and they dont even try to hide it.

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