Chemical warfare in Syria-can man be saved?

by Monsieur 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Monsieur

    The images on the news after the town in Damascus was attached with a chemical weapon was incredibly disturbing. Babies dying, people suffocating, it was man at his worst.

    Can man be saved? It seems the entire world is implicated in this conflict. Should a country intervene? should it not? Supposedly if it does, there is a risk of unleashing a nuclear war.

    But if man continues to stay on the sidelines, (over what? greed, fear of losing power, money?) where is man heading?

    Isnt man suppose to step in for its own sake? Many can blame the Devil for this, blame God, blame everything except who is trully responsible- a greedy and evil regime. Its time to step in and intervene. we simply cannot just watch and shrug any longer.

    can the common man do this? can we, with no political and economic influence, actually do something to help our fellow man? how and what?

  • jgnat

    Here is what a common man is doing to make a difference:

    Isreal Loves Iran

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Men have been killiing each other for thousands of years, but somehow the population of the planet has tripled in one century. In fact, JW's call it the worst century ever. Turn off the TV and enjoy life. Most people have been, are at peace, and WILL be at peace with each other.

  • Monsieur


    as always, your responses are uplifting. thanks

    never a jw,

    your response is a 'tad' cold. i interpret your advice to 'turn off the tv' as - ignore the suffering of others. while i can understand getting to such a point of impotence that one just throws in the towel, i also believe that this is the same nonchalance that evil men in this world count on.

    simply ignoring the fact and giving up cannot be an option.

  • mP


    Can man be saved? It seems the entire world is implicated in this conflict.


    Really ?

    I dont think anybody cares, sure its horrible but islam and the middle east keep on hating and killing each other. The world has enuff people, nobody needs religious ignorant people. They bring this on themselves, by beliving in a god and system that breeds violence.

  • never a jw
    never a jw


    The point, obviously not well delivered. TV news is not a representation of the world at large. TV news offers you the worst of people, rarely the best. The real world is quite a different story. I have never been mugged, beaten, or suffered any kind of violent crime in my life. I am 48. I believe my life is more representative of humanity than TV news. No question there is suffering in the world, but to imply the typical JW mantra "the end is coming" is reading too much from the TV news piece. If you were a JW before, I think you still need some deprogramming.

    I don't mean to ignore the news. Get it from newspapers, it's not as addictive and tends to be more objective.

  • bohm

    The most important point to take away from this conflict is, by the way this is talked about by leaders and the press, Assad has broken a taboo of chemical warfare, ie. he has done something unthinkable in public oppinion. This should be compared to the taboo of nuclear warfare.

    It is not that long ago that taboo was not in place, for instance under the vietnam war.

    As to the syrian people; a no-fly zone and bombing of military targets would properly be a good idea IMO and would quicken the demise of his regime.

  • tornapart

    I was really upset by it, it was extremely distressing to see. However I believe that for every person that causes harm to others there are a hundred more who show kindness and caring. I really think that it outweighs all the terrible things shown in the news.

    How about smething heartwarming like this for instance?

  • Glander

    People in Nazi Germany were being efficiently murdered like chickens going into a processing plant. The responsibilty fell directly on the Nazi regime, Hiltler, Goebbles, etc. There was nothing the allies could realistically do to stop it, except to continue their war with Germany.

    The helpless victims are just ordinary people. They are pretty much in the wrong place at the wrong time. The "try peace and love..." etc sentiments above are fine but the practical solution is that the good guys have to be strong enough to oppose the bad guys.

  • Monsieur

    thanks tornapart for that video,

    regarding the Nazis, ultimately something was done, too late perhaps (maybe not), but something was done.

    never a jew,

    what does 'deprogramming' mean or have to do with this? i never said 'the world is coming to an end'. on the contrary, im implying that a solution must exist in the 'here' and 'now'.

    tornapart, your video brings something to mind- MOTIVATION

    what motivates these people to do this that is good. how can we motivate more people? the math is simple, motivate more people to do good, and less people will suffer. what can motivate?

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