
by rod.henderson 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome rod.henderson, I use to feel that the Watchtower was just a kookie religion. Now I know that it is a dangerous cult that uses BITE control to victimize JWs.

    I would recommend that you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visit his website, and watch his videos on his site to learn how to identify how a dangerous cult behaves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Rod, like a film of cream on top of rancid milk it all seems so attractive. Just dont drink too deeply without a bucket to purge in. Always keep the stake of reality handy to pierce the heart of this life sucking vampire of a corporation. All the best.

  • factfinder

    Hi Rod! welcome!

  • happy@last

    Welcome, never stop learning and questioning

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Welcome, I really learned the most from the jwfacts site. Important to read all aspects of anything one decides to be involved in.

  • Fernando

    "More into faith as a concept than I am religion".

    Same here Rod.

    And a warm welcome to JWN, where there are many knowledgeable and helpful folk - just ask anything you like, and it will soon start raining...

    (Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • cantleave


  • Ding


    I would encourage you to study both the pros and the cons of the WT religion, just as the Bible says to "test all things."

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Welcome Rod Henderson, glad to have you here with us

  • Pterist



    The WBTS aka JWs will only do a "literature study with you from their books, and magazines. This form of bible study is called a isogesis interpretation. They will NOT study the Bible directly, using exegesis study methods of context, type of literature, time period, what it meant to the reader then and now etc as follows:

    "Reading out of the scriptures". Line-by-line, verse-by-berse, chapter-by-chapter.

    Isogesis. "circular reasoning" brain washing techniques ........
    "Reading into the scriptures". This sounds TERRIBLE, but that is not the intent of the phrase "reading into". This merely means you start with a subject, and look for scriptures that pertain to it. If this was done objectively, with the whole passage being studied and not just the verse from the concordance, perhaps this would be valid enough. Unfortunately, the critics often times do NOT look at the rest of the passage. They are well intentioned, but fallible men who have an opinion, and find as much material in support of their position as they can, and then slap together a web site. They never stop to re-examine whether their basic assumption is correct, so they never bother to study scripture in context to see if it REALLY agrees with their position or not. The proper attitude for a Christian believer is to take all of our basic assumptions and make them subject for the truths of God's word. That is where the critics miss it.
    Here is a link to the methods of Bible Study :
    Advanced Bible Study - Part 8: Hermeneutics & Exegesis - YouTube
    ? 48:58 ? 48:58 Feb 9, 2011 - Uploaded by LaRosa Johnson This is part 8 of our Advanced Bible Study tutorial series using WORDsearch
    Or just google "bible study"
    May God direct you heart and efforts, I was a RCC most of my life, then became a JW for years. If you where like me I knew nothing about the bible when I was RC, so I was easily influenced. The RCC have many things wrong, and the JWs can teach you some things that correct, but you will enter an Orwellian world where eventually you will STOP reasoning and believe 2+2 = 5 or whatever they tell you, and suffer from cognitive dissonance and depression, like I did for year's .....the truth that JESUS is the CHRIST and NOT an "organization false Christ" will set up free....

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