What if?
Truth does not need protecting, it can protect itself. No knowledge is dangerous to what is true as what is true can NEVER be proven otherwise.
Ask questions, trust yourself, trust YOUR motives as you will never know anothers, trust your reading and research. Don't ignore your fears, doubts or concerns and most importantly your heart.
Remember that everyone, every woman or man, no matter age, position or role, even the person you most respect..... they are but human and fallible. You are equal to them in every way as they are equal to you. Never fear another person so as to hide your questions or real feelings. In an enviroment where this fear thrives, know that the person you fear is likewise doing the same. Be braver than they are, after all what is there to fear about truth?
QUESTION EVERYTHING, prove to yourself EVERYTHING, do not hide from your doubts, because before long, time will have moved on past you,as it does us all and it shows no mercy for mistakes, for misspent lives or youths. Be sure of your commitments in life, for it is short and they are often long.
Ask yourself how many humans have yet defeated, achieved or received what you have been promised? Have you been sold the impossible, the magical, the unprovable, the most comforting? With such amazing promises, what amazing evidences were presented? What level of information were you bestowed with and from who? Do they seem reputable? Do they respect truth, knowledge, seeking evidence and insight or must you just take their word?
How many people have you known to reverse death or illness, how many humans so far have cheated time or lifes constraints? How many humans have experineced what you believe YOU will experience?
Despite 10/10 living things, including all humans and animals that have EVER lived dying, what evidence do you have that YOU simply will not? Do you recognise the significance of that belief? Of all the bible verses there are ....is there even one that clearly says this? What is it? Where is it? What is its original context? If you believe such a verse even exists, Is this enough evidence for you? DO you really belive that you will be part of the first few to succeed in defeating death? All the thousands of years, trillions of humans, but you will be the first to never die? Do you deserve everlating life over those that simply reject such extravagent claims by a linen saleman from America 100 years ago.. ......or is it even POSSIBLE ....just possible.....that you were sold a lie?
A horrible thought, but it is essential to remember the importance of the desicions you make and the effort and research that goes into them. Have you been sold a lie? If I sold you a car but insisted that you could not own any other car ever sgain, could not question the sales team about any concerns, could not read previous owners reviews and could not read the opinions of others about the car or other cars, would that worry you? What if I simply told you it was the best car ithe world and so there was no need to look elsewhere,would you simply take my word for it? What if you started to experience problems, saw that I had lied or made mistakes when I sold you the car? Would you stand by it with pride or question me on my original promises?
What if i told you that once you bought the car you could only associate with other car owners of the exact same car and had to avoid owners of other cars, evefamily members, because it may affect your car performance. What if i said that previous owners of this car were especially dangerous and that they were bitter and evil and not to be trusted, especislly if they give you information sbout the car..... Would alarm bells ring at allin you by now????
Again.... IF IT IS the best car in the world, none of this is possile.... For the truth is exactly that....the truth. So what would be the harm in exploring other views? Why would I, selling you the car, fear any opposing review or opinion! They would be evidently false! Doubters would be embraced, not feared, because you have the best car in the world....right.....?
Do you know enough to be confident that you have not been fed a mans sales pitch, literally promising you the earth in exchange for your lifes workand commitment.... or do you have a seed of doubt, hidden deep inside..... What if...... everyone else is telling the truth? Do you even know what everyone else is saying?
I was a pioneer, I was a bethelite, despite being 27 years old at the time, I didn't have a clue about alternative opinions and evidence as I didn't think it was possible that I was ever lied too.... No chance, right?
This is your life, start putting a bit more effort and bravery into knowing more, become more acquainted with your local library and biblical knowledge.
If it sounds corrupt and dodgy to hear that everyone in north korea gets their information from one source the government and oddly would give their life for it despite its atrocities and obvious delusions and lies, have a think about where you get ALL your information on history, science, theology, politics , world events......
Don't believe a word I am saying, check everything, ask everything and consider everything for yourself..... But at least ask.....
What if .....they are lying to you?.......
if it was all lies, what would such an organisation look like? Sound like? What mistakes snd errors would you find? Is it possible to have millions of people subscribe to something that isnt true and even be happy about it? How ? Why? What would it look like?
All the best in your search for truth..... Even if you belive you have found THE truths of the universe, that makes it easy, after all what is the worst that can happen? You prove your desicions wise and prove to yourself forever that you have indeed found the truth!
So what is the fear in asking, i researching... What if?
snare xxx