I was having this conversation with my husband the other day. Correct me where I am wrong here (I must be):
YHWH was used to refer to the name of God the Father.
YHWH was not spoken aloud by the jews, because his name was so holy it was not to be spoken, except by certain people (???)
I can not find a single time that Jesus uses the name Jehovah or YWHW when speaking of his father. Does this appear in the NWT somewhere?
At some point in history, someone decided we should be calling God by his first name, in case He thinks we are talking to someone else. They come up with a way to pronounce it, by adding vowels in there and changing the consonants so it's easier to say worldwide. Did this instruction come from God, from Jesus who told us exactly how to pray, or was this some new light, or where did they get this policy? (I don't know)
"Jehovah" is not the way anyone would ever accurately pronounce YHWH.
When addressing your father, tradition dictates calling him by his title, not his first name. Is there a culture, where people call their dads by their first name either for respect, reverence or religious purposes?
To call your father by his first name is disrespect.
Now here is a biggie for me... Has anyone ever mispronounced your name before??
How did that feel, and what did it tell you about your relationship with them? It shows they do NOT know you.
The WTBTS has made it so that all JW's recognize the name "Jehovah" as representing God's "visible organization on earth."
When a JW hears the name Jehoval spoken, there is a connection made in the brain, and they submit.
I am not God, but if someone had convinced millions of people to call me by a mispronounced version of my name, I'd be pretty disappointed.
With all the new light that is being revealed, why doesn't God at least tell them how to say his name correctly?
I won't post my suspicions or conspiracy ideas here, but I think that using this name the way they do, could be a high crime in the eyes of God... Right up there with refusing to partake and accept the blood of Christ, as they literally pass it around and REJECT Christ every year at the memorial.
Who is the world's greatest deceiver? He has deceived many In this case.