I can disprove Jehovah in 5 minute.
Athiesm is a religion
I'm an agnostic for a reason. I'm logical and see both sides. I cannot disprove God. (I can disprove the Shashu god Jehovah!)
BTW Richard Dawkins is an agnostic!
You and the OP might want to learn how to spell 'atheist' first, then look it up in a dictionary to understand what the term actually means BEFORE making absurd statements like "atheism is a religion" (nope: atheism is simply the rejection of the positive claim made by theists that God exists, where rejection of their claim is a perfectly rational thing to do, since theists haven't met their burden of proof to support accepting such a claim. Atheism is as much of a religion as non-stamp-collecting is a hobby).
By saying you cannot disprove God, you're actually referring to "strong atheism", which is the POSITIVE claim that God DOES NOT exist; that's a different matter, since THEN the burden of proof falls on the one who makes the claim (the strong atheist). Like you, I will make that claim about Abrahamic Jehovah, since I CAN prove He doesn't exist by using the Bible itself, based on inconsistent traits that are claimed for Him in scriptures. But can I prove the non-existence of some other random unknown deity? I'll cross that bridge of disproving when a need arises, since it's a bit like the old "if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound" question.
As far as what Richard Dawkins does or does not claim to believe, thanks, but I think I won't take your word for it, since you seemingly didn't know about the stuff above.