"Worlds Apart" A danish movie about a young coming of age Jehovahs Witness , screening on SBS2 tonight in Victoria

by smiddy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeffro

    Rambo Morris III:

    Actually four different country, you forgot Finland.

    Strictly speaking, Finland is not one of the Scandinavian monarchies. It is part of Fenno-Scandinavia, and it is Nordic, but it's not Scandinavian.

  • InquiryMan

    I skipped Finland cause it is not Scandivia. It is also a republic. I Meant to state that even moustaches are not accepted in many congregations in those countries (Sweden/Denmark).

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    I watched the movie last night. They threw in the complete kit bag of what's wrong with being a JW - I think the friend dying for not having a blood transfusion pushed things a bit too far - in reality this is a very rare occurrence. I was hoping to show the movie to my wife because there were some parallels to our situation except she went back after being df'd for being with me because her treatment did not cause her to have an epiphany about the organisation unfortunately. I thought the bit about Tabita splitting with her boyfriend because she said it would be unequal for them to be together because she would be giving up everything for him was very interesting and very brave of her to go off and find her own way outside the organisation. It did seem authentic but her complete change from wanting to be a pioneer to understanding she had been lied to because she fell in love, had sex and got hounded by the elders just seemed a bit quick. What dio those who have discovered TTATT think? Can it happen so quickly? I would love for my wife to watch the movie but I suspect it will cause her defensive barriers to come up. Still I will give it a go.

  • barry

    I don't know why the elders suggest they should get married that would solve the problem of living in sin.

    It reminded me when I had a JW girlfriend and I went to the kingdom hall with her.

  • smiddy

    I`m glad a few people were able to catch up with it .It`s not perfect but i felt it gave a real sense of what young people go through with this religion.

    And I take my hat off to SBS for screening this movie and hope they will continue to do so in years to come .

    I think it is an important movie that needs to be told .


  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Smiddy - I agree it is an excellent movie - I was just qubbling about some details - and well done to SBS for screening it. It is just a shame my wife will probably never agree to watch it as I think it could have an impact on her. Cheers Frazzled

  • tresdecu

    I am looking forward to seeing this movie! It's been out for a long time, but I am waiting to find a good time to watch it with my wife...I want to tweek her so she can see how cultish we are. I think this movie would be good for someone who's not an uber-dub, but a slacker-dub who still believes it's the truth.

    I also believe that finland is Nordic, but not Scandinavian! ;-)

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