Can you also FEEL the special TASTE of arrogance?
by Mr Fool 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
Hello, Troll.
I don't understand the way this was written. I am lost.
Mr Fool
Okay, we simplify it. A believer doesn´t recognize his/her pride/arrogance (that he is better informed, has more insight, wiser the ones he/she wants to transform to his religion). This behaivor, this feeling, the feeling of arrogance, is like invisible when you believe but is very visible once you have released yourself from that belief. That´s all.
I get it. Yes, my own arrogance in "having The Truth" was invisible to me at the time. But wow, once your eyes are open to others' arrogance, they're open to evaluate your own, too. That humbling and letting go of pride/arrogance is an important part of moving on, imho. :)
Mr Fool, I got it the first time around. Some of these org guys are the most arrogant, condescending aholes I have ever met. And the sad fact is that they don't know squat. Their false humility is disgusting. They are either true believers with an inside line or they already figured it out for the scam it is and are just working it for their own benefit. Having said that, I think there are a lot that thankfully never reached that level. they wre just trying to do what they thought was right. Not everyone is on that same low level.
cult classic
I think that arrogance and self righteousness is definitely palpable and has a feel to it. Absolutely.
I agree with the post. I was so arrogant... All JW are.
What's really arrogant is someone saying "I have all the right answers." I don't claim to have all the right answers. JW's are so obsessed with having an answer and their version of the "truth" being right. They can't see the irony that what was once a undisputed fact in their minds, could easily be replaced by changing doctrine. Then having the balls to come out and say they have the "truth" is arrogance of the highest order.
Mr Fool
Thanks for the replies! The most simple question reveals the arrogance. For example the question; "-Is Armageddon close?" A humble answer would be "Maybe, maybe not". The Arrogance itself claims "Yes, it is". The person behind is a slave to it, no doubt, and almost impossible to reach because of that.....