Like OTWO said, no background checks when i was going through the appointment phase. I was asked things like- 'is there any reason you should not be appointed, do you smoke etc..'
Are Elders given back ground checks before appointment?
by JWOP 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thank you! That's what I needed to know. You guys are the best!
In Victoria they've been told to get their Working With Children Certificate which requires a background check but that doesn't mean to say that they are even looked at or what is done if they don't get them. They probably mean nothing.
I would say not only no but they don't hardly keep track of their own records I was baptized and apparently they lost my card and I almost had to start over from scratch when I reactivated not long ago, they found it some how. I would of left right then if they hadn't.
When appointing two young (late teens) single pioneer brothers as MS, one old perv of an elder thought they should be asked if they had a problem with masturbation. The rest of us rolled our eyes and told him to "have at it". They were appointed, so I assume they gave him the correct answer.
Years later when discussing that situation with one of them, he admitted that he had had NO problem with masturbation. His arms were conveniently the perfect length to reach everything he needed to reach. No problem there. "You are wonderfully made!" (Anyone remember that public talk?)
JWOP - "Are elders ever put through a background check either before or after their appointment as an elder?"
Because if something came up, they'd have to do something about it.
I have long suspected that if they did, there'd be a serious shortage of qualified guys...